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 排  序  方  式       

  • 难度: 使用次数:142 入库时间:2017-07-14
    来源: 重庆市第八中学2017届高三适应性月考(五)英语试题 Word版含解析.doc

    In the early spring of 1974, the now world-famous photographer Stephen Wilkes was a 16- year-old reporter and cameraman for his high school’s television station. His best friend was also a reporter for the ___21___, and together they came up with the wild idea of___22___some of the great news broadcasters and journalists of the age. So they wrote personalized, hand-written letters to dozens of them.

    Nobody ___23___but perhaps the greatest news broadcaster and journalist of them all: Walter Cronkite, who generously offered to spend a full ___24___ with the boys. Stephen and his friend understood that this would be the most ___25___reporting event of their lives, so they prepared___26___for it.

    They___27___dozens of thoughtfully well-prepared questions and practiced the questions over and over again. When the day of the interview ___28___, they were ready. They sat with Mr. Cronkite and asked him one question after another, carefully___29___each question on their notepad. And Mr. Cronkite was unbelievably_____30_____ with his answers for the entire hour.

    Then, as they were_____31_____ things up, he said, “Boy, I’d like to ask you both an important question; Do you know what makes a _____32_____interview?”

    Stephen and his friend were caught off-guard, so they quickly began searching _____33_____their notepad, which didn’t provide an obvious _____34_____. Mr. Cronkite smiled and quickly rescued them, _____35_____. “Being a good listener, boys. That’s what truly makes a great interview. Being a good _____36_____will always lead you to the next best question.”

    The boys looked up at the legendary broadcaster and suddenly _____37_____ they had spent their whole hour robotically _____38_____one scripted(照本宣科的) question after another meaninglessly, but not truly listening or _____39_____to a single answer. And if they had listened, they could have allowed Mr. Cronkite’s answers to guide their question, and guide them to a far more _____40_____ hour together.

    21. A. company      B. station          C. town         D. country

    22. A. becoming     B. knowing      C. studying    D. interviewing

    23. A. replied          B. cared            C. accepted    D. believed

    24. A. minute           B. hour         C. day          D. week

    25. A. challenging      B. fortunate        C. important        D. rewarding

    26. A. separately       B. anxiously        C. independently  D. carefully

    27. A. gathered    B. employed    C. received    D. composed

    28. A. passed           B. ended            C. arrived          D. occurred

    29. A. looking at       B. breaking down  C. leaving up    D. checking off

    30. A. patient          B. funny            C. strange      D. wise

    31. A. making           B. packing      C. turning      D. cleaning

    32. A. slow         B. peaceful    C. great            D. content

    33. A. for              B. inside           C. through      D. with

    34. A. way          B. answer           C. favor            D. chance

    35. A. complaining      B. warning      C. declaring        D. explaining

    36. A. listener         B. reporter    C. broadcaster      D. cameraman

    37. A. mastered    B. realized    C. expected    D. remembered

    38. A. showing      B. donating     C. asking           D. guiding

    39. A. responding       B. sticking    C. objecting        D. agreeing

    40. A. effective        B. unforgettable   C. interesting       D. meaningful

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:108 入库时间:2017-01-27
    来源: 江西省吉安市第一中学2017届高三上学期第一次段考英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

    When I was 8 years old,a gentleman came to my orphanage and taught us how to do woodworking projects.

    I remember my first project--a small table.I was so 41 of it that I looked upon it as if I had created a(an) 42 .It was absolutely beautiful and it had taken me six weeks to 43 .it I could hardly wait to give it to Mother Winters as a 44 .She was the head mistress of our orphanage was always 45 with us.

    As the tables were not dry from the clear coating,the man told us to wait a few days before taking them to our dormitories.But I was just so 46 and happy that I couldn't wait.I 47 out like a flash,carrying my table and smiling from ear to car.

    When I reached the dormitory I placed the little table betide my bed.I was 48 it when Mother Winters entered.Sh walked ever to the table.Running her hand 49 it,she noticed that it was still wet.

    "Were you 50 to bring this home?"she asked.

    "No,ma'am."I 51 with my bead down.

    She ordered me so throw the table out and so I did.After she left,I immediately opened the door to

    get it back. There was 52 stuck all over. I brushed and cried, but it would not come off.

    I hid the table in my closet and never 53 it. A year later while cleaning up, I gave the table to Mother Henderson, my houseparent, thinking that she would 54 it away.

    Thirty years later at a reunion, I 55 that Mother Henderson was living nearby, so I drove up to see her. We talked cheerfully for long. As I was about to leave, she asked me to come down to her 56 to get something important. I followed her 57 into a dark corner. She picked something up 58 she turned around, I could see that she was holding a little table.

    Mother Henderson kept the little table that I had given up for lost so long ago.

    Today, I look at that table with bittersweet memories but full of 59 to Mother Henderson, who kept it for a young orphan who tried very hard to 60 .

    41. A. tired                 B. ashamed         C. aware                     D. proud

    42. A. award                      B. record                     C. wonder            D. product

    43. A. complete           B. invent                     C. paint                D. design

    44. A. reward                     B. gift                   C. prize                      D. souvenir

    45. A. satisfied           B. angry               C. patient            D. strict

    46. A. upset                B. excited             C. confident               D. amazed

    47. A. dashed                    B. walked            C. stepped          D. climbed

    48. A. drying                      B. admiring          C. observing        D. hiding

    49. A. into                   B. after                 C. above             D. across

    50. A. supposed          B. embarrassed   C. encouraged    D. determined

    51. A. agreed                    B. sighed             C. whispered           D. argued

    52. A. glue                  B. dirt                   C. paint                D. wood

    53. A. removed           B. shook                     C. touched          D. split

    54. A. throw                B. give                 C. take                D. put

    55. A. recommended B. expected          C. remembered   D. learned

    56. A. bathroom         B. basement               C. balcony           D. bedroom

    57. A. unexpectedly           B. unwillingly        C. curiously          D. worriedly

    58. A. Until                  B. Since               C. Before                    D. As

    59. A. gratitude           B. admiration              C. sympathy         D. regret

    60. A. adapt                B. study               C. please                    D. perform

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:153 入库时间:2017-01-23
    来源: 吉林省梅河口市第五中学2016-2017学年高二上学期周测(10.13)英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

    On August 26,1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to __41__ and the subway system almost came to a stop.

    Unfortunately, this happened during the morning rush hour. Many people who were going to work were __42__ to go home. Some battled to __43__ a taxi or to get on a bus. Still others faced the __44__ bravelywalking miles to get to work.

    I __45__ to be one of the people on the way to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most __46__ had stopped. After making my way __47__ crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was __48__. Unfortunately, there were so many people waiting to __49__ the subway that I could not even get down the stairs to the __50__. So I took the train going in the opposite direction, and then switched back to the downtown train. Finally, after what seemed like foreverthe train __51__ my stop. Then I had to walk several blocks in the increasingly heavy rain. When I finally got to my office, I was __52__ through, exhausted and __53__.

    My co­workers and I spent most of the day drying off. When it was 500 pmI was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my computer __54__ I received an email from Garth, my Director

    I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and __55__ reported to work. It is always reassuring (令人欣慰的), at times like these, when employees so clearly show their __56__ to their jobs. Thank you.

    Garth's email was short, but I learned more from that __57__ message than I ever did from a textbook. The email taught me that a few words of __58__ can make a big difference. The rainstorm and the traffic __59__ had made me tired and upset. But Garth's words immediately __60__ me and put a smile back on my face.

    41A.break                                                   Bflood

    Csink                                                         Dcrash

    42A.forced                                                 Brefused

    Cadjusted                                                   Dgathered

    43A.order                                                   Bpay

    Ccall                                                          Dsearch

    44A.climate                                                Bscenery

    Cstorm                                                       Dburden

    45A.used                                                   Bpromised

    Cdeserved                                                  Dhappened

    46A.practice                                               Broutine

    Cprocess                                                   Dservice

    47A.to                                                        Bthrough

    Cover                                                         Dfor

    48A.operating                                             Bcycling

    Cturning                                                    Drushing

    49A.check                                                  Bcarry

    Cfind                                                         Dboard

    50A.street                                                   Bground

    Cfloor                                                       Dplatform

    51A.paused                                                Bcrossed

    Creached                                                    Dparked

    52A.wet                                                     Bweak

    Csick                                                         Dhurt

    53A.ashamed                                             Bdiscouraged

    Csurprised                                                  Dpuzzled

    54A.while                                                   Bwhen

    Cwhere                                                     Dafter

    55A.hardly                                                 Bcasually

    Cabsolutely                                                Deventually

    56A.devotion                                              Bdonation

    Cconnection                                               Dreaction

    57A.accurate                                              Burgent

    Cbrief                                                        Dhumorous

    58A.promise                                               Bappreciation

    Cadvice                                                     Dguidance

    59A.troubles                                              Bsignals

    Crules                                                       Dsigns

    60A.corrected                                             Bsupported

    Camazed                                                    Drefreshed

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:133 入库时间:2016-09-28
    来源: 辽宁省锦州市2015-2016学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析.doc

    41.A. books          B. stories        C. reports        D. films

    42.A. crazy          B. easy          C. busy          D. angry

    43.A. families        B. classmates     C. colleagues     D. employers

    44.A. adventure       B. research       C. exploration     D. experience

    45.A. good           B. hard          C. sad           D. urgent

    46.A. kitchen         B. garage        C. house         D. garden

    47.A. frequently       B. rarely         C. gradually      D. finally

    48.A. bored           B. lost           C. hurt          D. upset

    49.A. calm            B. awake         C. firm          D. happy

    50.A. while           B. unless          C. until         D. after

    51.A. learn           B. imagine         C. realize       D. agree

    52.A. early           B. late            C. nice          D. guilty

    53.A. serious         B. nervous         C. wrong         D. painful

    54.A. concern        B. worry           C. opinion        D. regret

    55.A. forever         B. somehow        C. alone         D. instead

    56.A. care about      B. apologize for      C. think of       D. refer to

    57.A. again          B. often             C. even          D. still

    58.A. spare          B. save          C. take          D. kill

    59.A. follow         B. receive       C. divide        D. make

    60.A. needs          B. keeps         C. misses        D. stops

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:124 入库时间:2016-09-03
    来源: 河南省许昌县第一高级中学2015-2016学年高二下学期第三次月考考试试题 Word版含答案.doc

     My mother lived in an old farm house in north Oregonwhich was located far from any other neighbors.She lived with her elder brother and sisters.Since there were not enough rooms for themher two sisters __41__ the bigger bedroom downstairsher brother in a room down the hall and she slept in the top room of the building. 

      The first __42__ event that happened in that house was when my mother was about 10 years old.She was staying home sick with her brother.He had gone __43__ to the kitchen when my mother heard a voice calling her name from the bottom of the stairs.The voice was __44__ but that was impossible since the only other person in the house was her brother.That was followed by footsteps __45__ the stairs to the top room.A few hours __46__ her brother came up to see what she was doing.She asked him who the girl on the stairs was.He said there was no one in the house. 

      A few weeks later the __47__ event happened.My grandmother was cooking supper in the kitchen.She turned around and two of the chairs were __48__.She pushed them in and went back __49__.About ten minutes later she turned around and three of the chairs were pulled out.My grandmother was quite __50__ by this because only my mother's little sister was home at the time. 

      The last event at the house was the __51__ and the one that made them move away.Her elder sister Josie was babysitting her younger oneSarahwhen there was a knock on the door.Josie went to __52__ it and no one was there.She went to the __53__ for some water and when she returned to the living roomSarah was __54__She ran all over the house and __55__ found Sarah sleeping in her bed.This was __56__ because Sarah couldn't __57__ the stairs without help because they were very steep.This frightened her so she woke up Sarah and __58__ her downstairs.Then the phone rang.It was my grandma __59__ to say that my grandfather had died and she wouldn't be coming home that night.She was about to turn on the TV __60__ she heard a woman's footsteps coming towards her.She turned around but nobody was there. 

     41A. offered      Bsupported      C shared   Dafforded 
    A. interesting   Bparticular      Canxious   D.  strange
    A. upstairs     Boutsides        Cdownstairs Dindoors 
    A. male       Bother           Cfemale    Danother 
    A. turning up   Bcoming up      Cpicking up Dsending up 
    A. later        B ago          Cafter     Dformer 
    A. last         Bsecond        Cthird      Dfinal 
    A. pulled out    Bpointed out     C. thrown out  Dgiven out 
    A. turning       Bpushing       Ccooking   Dpulling 
    A. delighted Bdisappointed        Cfrightened  Dsatisfied 
    A. best          Bworse        Cbetter      Dworst 
    A. receive       Banswer       Creply      Dreact 
    A. kitchen       Bliving room   Csitting room Dbedroom 
    A. asleep        Blost          Cgone      Dsleeping 
    A. in the end     Bat first        Cfirstly     Dat the end 
    A. unnecessary   Bdesperate      Cseparate   Dimpossible 
    A .run           Bwalk         Cclimb     Dwander 
    A. took         Bheld          Ccarried     Dbrought 
    A. crying       Bshouting       Ccalling     Dlaughing 
    A. when        Bbefore         Cwhile      Duntil 

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:164 入库时间:2016-08-21
    来源: 甘肃省甘谷县第一中学2015-2016学年高二上学期第一次月考考试试题 Word版含答案.doc

    The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other 16 , or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is ___17___ into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.

      The United Kingdom is that __18____of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the ___19___of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The ____20__of Ireland is self-governing. The __21____name of the United Kingdom is ____22__“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

      ___23__ is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most __24___of the United Kingdom, so people often use the __25___ “England” and “English” when they __26__ “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little __27__. The Scots in particular are very __28___ of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard ___29___as English, and have a culture and even a ___30___of their own.

      Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish___31___ ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. ___32___, Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still ____33__to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland ___34___to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.

      The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not want to ___35___British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

      16. A. Wales      B. Britain       C. England      D. Scotland

      17. A. divided     B. cut          C. broken       D. separated

      18. A. piece       B. island        C. country      D. part

      19. A. south       B. north         C. part         D. whole

      20. A. smaller      B. larger        C. rest         D. island

      21. A. correct      B. true         C. full          D. complete

      22. A. also        B. therefore     C. likely        D. perhaps

      23. A. The UK    B. The British isles   C. Great Britain   D. England

      24. A. colleges    B. officials     C. cities           D. population

      25. A. words      B. names      C. spellings        D. pronunciations

      26. A. call        B. forget      C. speak           D. write

      27. A. angry      B. difficult     C. tired            D. lonely

      28. A. proud      B. fond        C. full            D. kind

      29. A. it          B. Wales       C. them          D. themselves

      30. A. capital      B. language     C. history        D. programmers

      31. A. Country     B. Question    C. Disease        D. Republic

      32. A. At last      B. So          C. Meanwhile     D. Also

      33. A. returns      B. belongs      C. gets           D. speaks

      34. A. hoped      B. refused       C. broke away     D. used

      35. A. feel        B. touch         C. fight         D. help

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:191 入库时间:2016-08-15
    来源: 重庆市南开中学2015-2016学年高二下学期期中考试试题 Word版含答案.doc

    Historians already know that Winston Churchill often took high-risk gambles(赌博)in his political life . But that Churchill was a gambler in   41   aspects of his life has tended not to catch his biographers’   42   .

    Two new books attempt to fill this   43   .

    The first is No More Champagne written by David Lough , a private-banker-turned-historian who looks at Churchill’s personal   44   during the ups and downs of his career . It is the first   45   to focus on this aspect of his life .

    Mr. Lough has   46   through Churchill’s personal accounts and found that he was as much a   47   when it came to his money as he was when he was   48   at the Admiralty or in Downing Street .

      49   Churchill was a descendant(后裔)of the Dukes of Marlborough , his   50   had “ very little money on either side ” – but that never   51   them living the   52   life . Indeed , between 1908 and 1914 the Churchill household spent an average of 1,160 on wine   53   each year--$145,000 in today’s money . It is no   54   that Churchill spent most of his life leaping from one cash flow crisis to another , being constantly behind his suppliers’   55   .

    Another new book , Winston Churchill Reporting , by Simon Read , an American journalist , looks at one of the   56   Churchill eventually paid some of them :   57   .

    Mr. Read investigates how Churchill went from a young army officer to being Britain’s highest-earning war journalist by the age of 25 .

    The Churchill name   58   helped open newspaper editors’ doors across London . But it was that the young   59   was willing to take risks on   60   across the world that marked out his columns from those of his contemporaries .

    41. A. some

    B. the other

    C. the same

    D. other

    42. A. breath

    B. smile

    C. attention

    D. voice

    43. A. gap

    B. hole

    C. post

    D. bill

    44. A. letters

    B. beliefs

    C. donations

    D. finances

    45. A. biography

    B. diary

    C. song

    D. poem

    46. A. travelled

    B. searched

    C. cut

    D. got

    47. A. trouble-maker

    B. passer-by

    C. looker-on

    D. risk-taker

    48. A. keeping secrets

    B. making decisions

    C. taking steps

    D. giving lessons

    49. A. Since

    B. When

    C. Although

    D. Until

    50. A. children

    B. parents

    C. wife

    D. colleagues

    51. A. relieved

    B. encouraged

    C. stopped

    D. banned

    52. A. low

    B. miserable

    C. high

    D. new

    53. A. alone

    B. joint

    C. combined

    D. separate

    54. A. use

    B. doubt

    C. need

    D. wonder

    55. A. products

    B. bills

    C. price

    D. service

    56. A. ways

    B. friends

    C. ideas

    D. dreams

    57. A. reading

    B. writing

    C. fighting

    D. risking

    58. A. hardly

    B. involuntarily

    C. illegally

    D. certainly

    59. A. historian

    B. banker

    C. reporter

    D. editor

    60. A. battlefields

    B. farms

    C. rivers

    D. playgrounds

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:191 入库时间:2016-08-08
    来源: 江苏省扬州中学2015-2016学年高一下学期期中考试试卷 试题及答案解析word版.doc

    Would you agree with the statement that a wish is born from an idea, a simple idea imagined in the mind? Back in the 19th century two men had an idea which became their great  36  . The efforts they had made were rewarded with their success that    37   world travel.

    In 1903, the Wright Brothers (Wilbur and Orville) achieved their dream. They flew the world’s first power-driven, heavier-than-air machine by which they made free, controlled and sustained   38  . Kitty Hawk, North Carolina   39   this important and memorable moment.

    The dream started with an idea that was planted in their minds by a   40   given to them by their father. In the words of the boys, “Our father came into the house one evening with some object in his hands, and   41   we could see what it was, he threw it into the air. Instead of falling to the floor, the toy flew across the room   42   it hit the ceiling, where it finally sank to the   43  .” This simple toy attracted the Wright Brothers and started their lifelong   44   in human flight.

    The Wright Brothers   45   learning new things.   46   they opened their own printing office and then in 1893 they opened a company where they repaired bicycles. But Wilbur had his mind set on something more   47  . He decided to pursue   48  .

    The brothers spent many hours researching,   49   their machines and making improvements. What started out as a   50   soon became a career. With determination and    51  they realized their dream in 1903.

    The next time you hear or see an airplane or travel on one,   52   where it all started. A simple idea was developed in the minds of the two young men who didn’t have a university degree. They were not scientists in the   53   sense of the world.

    What idea are you working on? Have you limited yourself by saying you are not a scientist or not   54   enough? Whatever the mind can think and believe, it can be   55  .

    36. A. time                          B. pressure                   C. dream                D. fortune

    37. A. combined                  B. replaced                   C. explored                   D. changed

    38. A. flight                         B. ride                          C. contribution              D. achievement

    39. A. wanted            B. witnessed                 C. proved                          D. needed

    40. A. bicycle             B. airplane                    C. document                 D. toy

    41. A. when                         B. before                      C. after                        D. while

    42. A. until                           B. since                        C. if                             D. but

    43. A. desk                          B. floor                        C. street                       D. road

    44. A. discovery                   B. trip                          C. interest                     D. devotion

    45. A. considered          B. enjoyed                    C. admitted                   D. imagined

    46. A. Firstly                B. Finally               C. Usually                     D. Actually

    47. A. average            B. powerful                  C. exciting                    D. fortunate

    48. A. dancing            B. singing                     C. flying                       D. writing

    49. A. testing                B. watching                  C. designing                  D. examining

    50. A. hobby                 B. gift                          C. trouble                            D. trick

    51. A. distinction           B. explanation               C. expression                D. patience

    52. A. forget                 B. ask                          C. remember                 D. expect

    53. A. hopeful               B. true                          C. wealthy                    D. energetic

    54. A. funny                 B. polite                        C. outgoing                   D. clever

    55. A. defeated                     B. recognized             C. achieved                   D. organized

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:130 入库时间:2016-08-07
    来源: 吉林省长春外国语学校2015-2016学年高一下学期第一次月考考试试卷 试题及答案解析word版.doc

    In ancient times the king of Greece was sick. The doctor came,  21  him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take a bull’s milk.” The king was   22  , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it  23  ?” he asked.

      “Order Gulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor. “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was a(n)  24  to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him  25  . When the king told Gulbo what the doctor said and  26  him to get a bull’s milk, Gulbo  27  understood what the doctor was trying to do.

    When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the  28  . His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the  29  . On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don’t  30   , Father, I will help you.”

    The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace and chose a place  31  the king’s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made  32  much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to  33  what had happened. The soldier found the girl and led her to the king.

    “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the king. The girl  34  to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father  35  a baby. I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean  36  for the baby, so I had to come and wash them now.”

    “What!” cried the king. “Are you trying to make a  37  of me?” I have never heard of a man having a baby.”

    “Well, if the king himself orders someone to get a bull’s milk for him,  38  can’t a man have a baby?”

    The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo’s  39 . Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull’s milk to his  40 . 

    21. A. looked        B. tested               C. examined           D. judged

    22. A. surprised             B. pleased             C. touched            D. moved

    23. A. impossible           B. possible             C. usual               D. unusual

    24. A. enemy               B. friend         C. neighbor               D. patient

    25. A. excite                  B. delight        C. anger           D. suffer

    26. A. begged                B. decided        C. ordered           D. suggested

    27. A. quickly                 B. directly        C. correctly             D. suddenly

    28. A. situation             B. chance             C. position          D. place

    29. A. wrong               B. matter               C. thing                  D. problem

    30. A. frighten                B. worry         C. doubt                 D. fear

    31. A. above          B. on            C. over                       D. below

    32. A. such            B. that              C. more                    D. so

    33. A. get out                 B. find out        C. take out             D. bring out

    34. A. began               B. looked         C. pretended            D. became

    35. A. had birth in          B. gave birth to  C. gave birth of        D. had birth to

    36. A. clothes               B. food           C. bowls             D. bottles

    37. A. lie             B. trick           C. fool               D. friend

    38. A. how                    B. why                 C. who                D. what

    39. A. daughter               B. girl           C. wife                D. friend

    40. A. daughter       B. boy           C. baby              D. sister

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:102 入库时间:2016-05-27
    来源: 上海市八校2016届高三3月联合测试考试试题及答案.doc

    History has not yet __51__ what we will definitively call the postmillennial cohort (2000年后出生的人) that now __52__ more than 60 million people in the U. S. These kids and __53__ with no concept of life __54__ the Internet have so far been called the App Generation and Generation Z. They've been referred to as Homelanders, having grown up under the ghost of terrorism. They've also been __55__ the plurals, for their historic diversity, as well as the Founders, at least by MTV.

    Whatever we __56__ naming them, marketers and academics are turning their attention to this group, which has billions in __57__ and is already shaping the culture. This generation is growing up “totally and utterly connected," says California State University psychologist Larry Rosen. Experts like Rosen have concerns about these kids' Google-inspired expectations that everything be __58__. They worry about their inability to __59__ even five seconds of boredom. And they worry about the demands that come with __60__ several identities online, from Facebook to twitter to Snapchat. "There's so much pressure on young people, who are still __61__ their identities, to present this crystallized, idealized identity online," says the University of Washington's Katie Davis.

    Historian Neil Howe sees __62__ with the Silent Generation, the spoilt, risk-avoiding, "nice" generation of kids who grew up during the Great Depression and World War II, although some marked differences are found. Today's youths are also coming of age among geopolitical trouble and fears about the economy, he says, __63__schools emphasize an intense far-reaching sensitivity to other kids. He suspects this __64__ will be known for being well behaved and perhaps boring the culture by playing it safe. "There are typical examples that occur repeatedly," Howe says, "even if they go by different __65__."

    51. A. remarked                B. convinced               C. guaranteed             D. revealed

    52. A. numbers                 B. houses                    C. accommodates       D. contains

    53. A. adults                      B. adolescents            C. folks                        D. guys

    54. A. over                        B. without                    C. besides                   D. beyond

    55. A. diagnosed               B. dismissed                C. labeled                   D. coined

    56. A. end up                    B. consider about        C. appeal for               D. approve of

    57. A. distribution force     B. purchasing power    C. global view              D. unique outlooks

    58. A. vivid                        B. instructive               C. instant                    D. profitable

    59. A. feed up with            B. put up with              C. make up for            D. identify with

    60. A. faking                      B. revising                   C. illustrating               D. maintaining

    61. A. supervising             B. forming                   C. representing           D. promoting

    62. A. parallels                  B. contrasts                 C. comparisons           D. reservations

    63. A. because                  B. although                 C. while                       D. when

    64. A. emphasis                B. generation              C. intensity                  D. cultivation

    65. A. routes                     B. schemes                 C. names                    D. definitions

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:128 入库时间:2016-05-26
    来源: 山东省武城县第二中学2015-2016学年高二3月月考考试试题及答案.doc

        One of the most exciting archaeological (考古的) discoveries in history was made in November 1922, when Howard Carter was   41   in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. After many months of digging, he finally   42   an unknown tomb (坟墓).

          43   with his friend Lord Carnarvon, who was providing the money for his work, Carter entered the   44   tomb. At first there was   45  , because the tomb was   46  , and it was clear that it had been robbed (盗窃) at some time in the past.   47  , one of the workers eventually uncovered a small stairway that led down to another door that had not been   48  .

        Carter went down the dark staircase, walking   49   in case there were any traps (陷阱). As he opened the   50  , Lord Carnarvon asked if he could see anything. He replied, “Yes,   51   things.” It was clear at once that they had discovered what they had been   52  . The tomb of King Tutankhamun was full of treasures of   53   value. There were over 5,000 objects of silver, gold and precious stones which had lain there   54   for thousands of years.

        Lord Carnarvon’s   55   at discovering the treasures did not last long. Many of the local people were afraid of   56   the kings’ tombs, and believed that the kings would punish anyone who   57   them. Lord Carnarvon had paid little attention to these   58  , but only a few weeks later, he   59   fell ill and died; at the exact time of his death, all the lights in Cairo went out all of a sudden, and far away in England, his dog also   60  .

    41. A. traveling            B. visiting     C. working          D. standing

    42. A. fell into                B. passed by        C. came across          D. knocked down

    43. A. Back             B. Again            C. Around           D. Together

    44. A. new              B. dark         C. warm             D. familiar

    45. A. joy                  B. surprise     C. satisfaction         D. disappointment

    46. A. empty                B. wet          C. dirty                D. quiet

    47. A. Instead              B. However      C. Therefore            D. Besides

    48. A. fixed                B. locked           C. opened           D. replaced

    49. A. calmly               B. quickly      C. confidently          D. carefully

    50. A. door             B. tomb         C. case             D. eye

    51. A. terrible             B. common       C. strange          D. wonderful

    52. A. lost             B. looking for      C. ruined               D. focusing on

    53. A. no                   B. little           C. low              D. great

    54. A. undivided            B. undeveloped  C. unplanned            D. undiscovered

    55. A. fear             B. worry            C. pleasure         D. shame

    56. A. building             B. repairing        C. disturbing           D. closing

    57. A. bought               B. entered      C. met              D. cleaned

    58. A. jokes                B. mistakes     C. stories              D. warnings

    59. A. finally              B. really           C. suddenly         D. actually

    60. A. died             B. changed      C. disappeared          D. returned

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:187 入库时间:2016-03-11
    来源: 福建省泉州市四校2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试试题及答案.doc

     Throughout history, many great leaders and explorers have tried hard to find objects or other ways to live forever. While it might sound    41   to live forever, I believe that what makes life so  42   is that it doesn’t last forever. So, I don’t   43   that living forever is a good idea.

      For one thing, I think living forever would be very  44  . We always have to find ways to   45   ourselves in a normal lifetime.   46   you lived forever, you would still need to eat and have a place to live. To pay for all these things, you would have to  47    working for as long as you lived. Many people work for 30-40 years, then   48   and begin to enjoy the rest of their lives. But you wouldn’t have that  49   if you lived forever. And, since forever is a long time, that means if you didn’t   50   your skill set every few decades(十年)you could be stuck doing the same thing for a very long time. That doesn’t sound like   51   at all!

      Furthermore, it would be very   52   to live forever if the people around you didn’t also have that   53   . You’d be likely to   54   a lot of people in different periods of time, but you would also have to   55   them die. No doubt this could be very   56   for you. You would have the   57   to see your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren all   58   . But then, you’d also have to watch them get old and pass away.   59   , this could lead to a very lonely existence(存在).

       60   , while living forever might be attractive to some people, I don’t think it would be right for me.

    41. A. painful      B. worrying       C. interesting        D. impossible

    42. A. valuable     B. difficult        C. busy             D. quiet

    43. A. doubt       B. realize          C. fear             D. agree

    44. A. important    B. boring         C. special           D. normal

    45. A. discover     B. support        C. dress             D. protect

    46. A. Even if      B. As if          C. Every time         D. Soon after

    47. A. start        B. enjoy          C. forget             D. continue

    48. A. move       B. stop           C. wait              D. play

    49. A. plan        B. choice         C. problem           D. effort

    50. A. control      B. notice         C. change            D. improve

    51. A. beauty      B. truth           C. fun               D. luck

    52. A. lonely       B. strange        C. nice               D. clear

    53. A. patience     B. courage        C. ability             D. decision

    54. A. teach      B. save            C. invite              D. meet

    55. A. watch      B. make           C. help               D, feel

    56. A. good       B. simple          C. exciting            D. sad

    57. A. chance     B. right            C. duty               D. method

    58. A. show off    B. set off          C. grow up            D. give up

    59. A. Suddenly    B. Hopefully       C. Secretly            D. Finally

    60. A. As usual     B. In short         C. At least            D. For example 

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:184 入库时间:2016-03-11
    来源: 福建省南安第一中学2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试试题及答案.doc

     Throughout history, many great leaders and explorers have tried hard to find objects or other ways to live forever. While it might sound    41   to live forever, I believe that what makes life so  42   is that it doesn’t last forever. So, I don’t   43   that living forever is a good idea.

      For one thing, I think living forever would be very  44  . We always have to find ways to   45   ourselves in a normal lifetime.   46   you lived forever, you would still need to eat and have a place to live. To pay for all these things, you would have to  47    working for as long as you lived. Many people work for 30-40 years, then   48   and begin to enjoy the rest of their lives. But you wouldn’t have that  49   if you lived forever. And, since forever is a long time, that means if you didn’t   50   your skill set every few decades(十年)you could be stuck doing the same thing for a very long time. That doesn’t sound like   51   at all!

      Furthermore, it would be very   52   to live forever if the people around you didn’t also have that   53   . You’d be likely to   54   a lot of people in different periods of time, but you would also have to   55   them die. No doubt this could be very   56   for you. You would have the   57   to see your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren all   58   . But then, you’d also have to watch them get old and pass away.   59   , this could lead to a very lonely existence(存在).

       60   , while living forever might be attractive to some people, I don’t think it would be right for me.

    41. A. painful      B. worrying       C. interesting        D. impossible

    42. A. valuable     B. difficult        C. busy             D. quiet

    43. A. doubt       B. realize          C. fear             D. agree

    44. A. important    B. boring         C. special           D. normal

    45. A. discover     B. support        C. dress             D. protect

    46. A. Even if      B. As if          C. Every time         D. Soon after

    47. A. start        B. enjoy          C. forget             D. continue

    48. A. move       B. stop           C. wait              D. play

    49. A. plan        B. choice         C. problem           D. effort

    50. A. control      B. notice         C. change            D. improve

    51. A. beauty      B. truth           C. fun               D. luck

    52. A. lonely       B. strange        C. nice               D. clear

    53. A. patience     B. courage        C. ability             D. decision

    54. A. teach      B. save            C. invite              D. meet

    55. A. watch      B. make           C. help               D, feel

    56. A. good       B. simple          C. exciting            D. sad

    57. A. chance     B. right            C. duty               D. method

    58. A. show off    B. set off          C. grow up            D. give up

    59. A. Suddenly    B. Hopefully       C. Secretly            D. Finally

    60. A. As usual     B. In short         C. At least            D. For example 

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:119 入库时间:2016-01-21
    来源: 河北省定州中学2016届高三上学期第三次月考考试试题及答案.doc

       In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce that she nearly died. She 41 but the fever left its markshe could no longer see and 42   . Because she could not hearshe  also found it very   43  to speak.

        So how  did this    childblinded  and deafened    at  19  months  oldgrow up  to    44  a world-famous author and public speaker?

        The fever cut her 45 from the outside world depriving (剥夺)her of sight and sound. It was 46 she had been thrown into a dark prison room from which there could be no 47 .

         Luckily Helen was not someone who 48 easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other 49    .   She followed her mother wherever she went 50 onto her  skirts. She touched and smelled everything she came across. She 51 their actions and was  soon able to do certain jobs herselflike milking the   52    or kneading dough (揉面).She  even learnt to 53 people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also 54 where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the 55 of the ground under her feet.

        By the age of 7 she had invented over 60 different  56  by which    she could   talk    to her  family. ff she wanted bread for exampleshe would pretend to 57 a loaf and butter into slices (片).If she wanted ice cream she 58 herself with her arms and pretended to shake.

        Helen was unusual in that she was extremely 59 and also very sensitive. By her own 60 she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.

    41.A. escaped   B. succeeded    C. finished    D. survived

    42.A.  cry      B. sleep        C. hear        D. read

    43.A. difficult B. impossible   C. able        D.usual

    44.A.  explain  B. become       C. manage      D. choose

    45.A.  down     B. off          C. in          D. up

    46.A. even if   B. not only     C. so that     D. as if

    47.A.increase   B. release      C. punishment   D. praise

    48.A. gave out  B. picked up    C. gave up      D. turned up

    49.A. senses    B. plans        C. projects     D. dreams

    50.A. falling   B. hanging      C. stepping     D. rushing

    51 A. copied    B. stole        C. expressed    D. figured

    52 A. chickens      B. children       C. cows          D. birds

    53 A. ask           B. find           C. lead          D. recognize

    54 A. remember      B. tel            C. forget        D. improve

    55 A. feel          B. knowledge       C. opinion      D. sight

    56 A. directions    B. signs           C. notes        D. topics

    57 A. order         B. cook             C. cut         D. throw

    58 A. reached       B. held             C. dropped     D. opened

    59 A. generous      B. kind             C. intelligent D. honest

    60 A. lives         B. relationships    C. effects     D. efforts

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:65 入库时间:2013-09-11
    来源: 广东省实验中学2012-2013学年高一下学期期末考试试卷 试题及答案 .doc

    In 1896, 17-year-old Einstein went to Zurich for the mathematics and physics program at the polytechnic in Zurich. There he met Marits, a girl from Hungary and the only woman student in the school. They studied in the same class and the   41   interest in physics brought the two together and they became good friends. Over the next few years, their friendship developed into  42  . In a letter to her, Einstein called Marits “a creature who is my equal and who is as strong and independent as I am.” In January 1903, when Einstein was 24, he married Marits, who was 4 years older than he.

    After their marriage, Einstein devoted himself to the   43   on the great theory of relativity. To give her husband more help, Marits   44   her own work, and became a good wife and  45  . She tried her best to encourage him whenever possible. She was sure that her husband would   46   . They often discussed the   47   while walking outside or sitting together in the room. They even did that in their letters when one of them was away from home.

    In 1914, the Einstein’s moved to Berlin and   48   there. At that time, Einstein’s theory   49   to be correct and he became   50    all over the world. Marits was very   51   her husband with his success. But it was not long before the First World War   52   , Marits as well as her two sons, who were   53   in Switzerland, couldn’t come back to   54   any longer. The war not only stopped Einstein’s work but also broke up the warm, happy   55   . In 1919, Einstein and Marits had to get divorced, having lived apart for five years.

    41. A. great            B. special                   C. common                      D. especial

    42. A. association     B. romance                 C. relationship                   D. amazement

    43. A. cause              B. matter                  C. idea                            D. research

    44. A. gave up          B. held up                C. give in                       D. took off

    45. A. mother                   B. cook                     C. servant                       D. assistant

    46. A. agree                B. practice                C. succeed                       D. accept

    47. A. plan                B. program                C. suggestion                     D. theory

    48. A. lived on               B. stopped                C. settled down               D. worked

    49. A. seemed           B. appeared               C. looked                         D. proved

    50. A. excited            B. famous                 C. satisfied                       D. lucky

    51. A. proud of         B. admired for            C. surprised at                  D. worried about

    52. A. ended              B. broke out              C. finished                      D. took place

    53. A. living               B. working                C. traveling                       D. performing

    54. A. Berlin              B. Munich                 C. Hungary                      D. Switzerland

    55. A. life                B. time                     C. home                        D. family

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:68 入库时间:2013-08-19
    来源: 北京市2014高考英语(新人教版)选修7 Unit 2 Robots 一轮复习题(32) 试题及答案

    On Easter Day 1722,some European explorers found a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They   1   it Easter Island. The explorers found that the island had good soil   2   the 200 natives living there survived with little food. Even more   3  , these people also lived among the ruins of what might have been a once great civilization. All that is left of it are around 800 giant stone statues   4   human heads. They   5   up to 270 tons and the tallest measures over 11 metres. The stone men face   6  , rather than out to sea, and their eyes are focused upon the sky. They are all carved from   7   volcanic rock (火山岩) and some have hats on their heads and eyes made from white coral. Since their   8  , these huge stone men   9   one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Who built them? Why did they do it? Some experts believe the stone men are   10   to Inca stonework, and suggest the figures were created by people of Peruvian descent (血统).   11   have even gone so far as to say that they came from outer space. The latest suggestion   12   the idea that Easter Island represents one of the worst cases of resource abuse in human history. It is said that a small group of Asians settled on Easter Island   13   between 400 and 700 AD. They developed a great civilization with huge forests and   14   food. At the peak of their civilization, the people began to build the giant   15   men. Why they did this is still   16   but it is possible the figures represent the settlers’ gods or ancestors.   17   the statues grew larger, the people’s lifestyles became more and more wasteful. The forest began to disappear, which   18   all the animals dying out.   19   couldn’t get food and were forced to eat other humans. Society began to   20   and the islanders themselves finally destroyed the stone men.

    1. A. said              B. were called          C. named                D. spoke

    2. A. and               B. but              C. however          D. still

    3. A. surprise          B. surprised            C. surprising           D. surprisingly

    4. A. looking           B. resembling           C. liking               D. standing for

    5. A. weigh         B. lift             C. get              D. measure

    6. A. forward           B. outward          C. onward           D. inward

    7. A. broken            B. soft             C. hard             D. burnt

    8. A. looking           B. invention            C. discovery            D. covering

    9. A. have happened B. have led to          C. have taken place     D. have created

    10. A. usual            B. common           C. familiar         D. similar

    11. A. Another          B. Other                C. Others               D. Many

    12. A. is focused on        B. is based on          C. is depended on       D. is concentrated on

    13. A. some day     B. one day          C. sometime         D. once

    14. A. plenty of        B. number of            C. much of          D. amount of

    15. A. clever           B. stone                C. wooden           D. iron

    16. A. welcome      B. known                C. unimportant      D. unknown

    17. A. While            B. After                C. With             D. As

    18. A. resulted in      B. resulted from        C. created          D. lay in

    19. A. The islands      B. The people           C. The animals      D. The Europeans

    20. A. break out        B. break in         C. break into           D. break down

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:82 入库时间:2013-02-20
    来源: 吉林省吉林一中2012-2013学年高二上学期模拟试题汇编 练习题.doc

    On Easter Day 1722,some European explorers found a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They   1   it Easter Island. The explorers found that the island had good soil   2   the 200 natives living there survived with little food. Even more   3  , these people also lived among the ruins of what might have been a once great civilization. All that is left of it are around 800 giant stone statues   4   human heads. They   5   up to 270 tons and the tallest measures over 11 metres. The stone men face   6  , rather than out to sea, and their eyes are focused upon the sky. They are all carved from   7   volcanic rock (火山岩) and some have hats on their heads and eyes made from white coral. Since their   8  , these huge stone men   9   one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Who built them? Why did they do it? Some experts believe the stone men are   10   to Inca stonework, and suggest the figures were created by people of Peruvian descent (血统).   11   have even gone so far as to say that they came from outer space. The latest suggestion   12   the idea that Easter Island represents one of the worst cases of resource abuse in human history. It is said that a small group of Asians settled on Easter Island   13   between 400 and 700 AD. They developed a great civilization with huge forests and   14   food. At the peak of their civilization, the people began to build the giant   15   men. Why they did this is still   16   but it is possible the figures represent the settlers’ gods or ancestors.   17   the statues grew larger, the people’s lifestyles became more and more wasteful. The forest began to disappear, which   18   all the animals dying out.   19   couldn’t get food and were forced to eat other humans. Society began to   20   and the islanders themselves finally destroyed the stone men.

    1. A. said                      B. were called               C. named                      D. spoke

    2. A. and                      B. but                           C. however                   D. still

    3. A. surprise                B. surprised                  C. surprising                 D. surprisingly

    4. A. looking                 B. resembling                C. liking                       D. standing for

    5. A. weigh                   B. lift                           C. get                           D. measure

    6. A. forward                B. outward                   C. onward                    D. inward

    7. A. broken                  B. soft                          C. hard                         D. burnt

    8. A. looking                 B. invention                  C. discovery                 D. covering

    9. A. have happened       B. have led to      C. have taken place        D. have created

    10. A. usual                  B. common                   C. familiar                    D. similar

    11. A. Another               B. Other                       C. Others                            D. Many

    12. A. is focused on       B. is based on   C. is depended on     D. is concentrated on

    13. A. some day            B. one day                    C. sometime                 D. once

    14. A. plenty of             B. number of                C. much of                   D. amount of

    15. A. clever                 B. stone                        C. wooden                    D. iron

    16. A. welcome             B. known                            C. unimportant              D. unknown

    17. A. While                  B. After                        C. With                        D. As

    18. A. resulted in           B. resulted from            C. created                     D. lay in

    19. A. The islands          B. The people    C. The animals              D. The Europeans

    20. A. break out            B. break in                    C. break into                 D. break down

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:54 入库时间:2013-01-31
    来源: 甘肃省秦安一中2013届高三上学期第二次模拟考试试卷 试题及答案(英语).doc

    There was once a great war between two countries. The war had been going on for some time and the soldiers were starting to feel   21  the long battle.

           On a hot afternoon, a man was   22  past a small group of soldiers digging a huge pit(). The group leader was shouting orders and threatening  23  if the work was not completed within the hour. The man riding the horse   24   and asked,“Sir, why are you only shouting orders? Why cannot you help them yourself?

           The group leader looked at him and replied, “What do you  25  ? I’m the leader. The men do as I  26  them to.” He then added,“If you feel so strongly about helping them, you are   27   to do so yourself!”

           The man got down from the   28  and started walking up to the soldiers at work. The group leader was simply   29  !The man took up the   30  and started helping the soldiers and worked with them till the job was   31  !

           Before leaving, the man  32  the soldiers on their work, and   33  the group leader. He said, “Next time your   34   prevents you from supporting your people, you should inform your   35  authorities, and I will provide a more permanent  36 .”

           The group leader was now completely surprised. Only now he looked    37  at the man and realized the man was the army general!

           The army general exhibited some of the key   38   that are important for a true leader. There are   39  people who are ready to really help get the work done. They       40 the status of the leader but not the state of the leader.

    21. A. astonished at             B. tired of                  C. frightened of         D. embarrassed at

    22. A. walking               B. riding             C. driving                    D. running

    23. A. illness                        B. battle                     C. punishment        D. death

    24. A. stopped               B. waited            C. stayed               D. doubted

    25. A. remember          B. mean                        C. express                    D. imagine

    26. A. remind                B. tell                           C. beg                          D. invite

    27. A. sure                         B. lucky             C. ready                       D. welcome

    28. A. horse                       B. plane                        C. car                          D. bike

    29. A. shocked                   B. moved               C. encouraged        D. worried

    30. A. tools                        B. guns                        C. clothes                     D. bricks

    31. A. improved                  B. lost                          C. finished                    D. allowed

    32. A. thanked        B. rewarded                  C. instructed             D. congratulated

    33. A. interviewed        B. answered                  C. tested                       D. approached

    34. A. people               B. order                        C. leader                D. status

    35. A. richer                B. higher               C. cleverer                    D. smaller

    36. A. prize                          B. solution                    C. salary                D. experiment

    37. A. frequently              B. closely                C. seriously                  D. firmly

    38. A. problems                    B. courses                    C. qualities                    D. speeds

    39. A. few                         B. some                        C. most                        D. many

    40. A. achieve                    B. call                          C. prepare                    D. collect

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:123 入库时间:2013-01-16
    来源: 吉林省吉林一中2012-2013学年高二上学期期中考试试卷 试题及答案(英语).doc

    On Easter Day 1722,some European explorers found a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They   1   it Easter Island. The explorers found that the island had good soil   2   the 200 natives living there survived with little food. Even more   3  , these people also lived among the ruins of what might have been a once great civilization. All that is left of it are around 800 giant stone statues   4   human heads. They   5   up to 270 tons and the tallest measures over 11 metres. The stone men face   6  , rather than out to sea, and their eyes are focused upon the sky. They are all carved from   7   volcanic rock (火山岩) and some have hats on their heads and eyes made from white coral. Since their   8  , these huge stone men   9   one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Who built them? Why did they do it? Some experts believe the stone men are   10   to Inca stonework, and suggest the figures were created by people of Peruvian descent (血统).   11   have even gone so far as to say that they came from outer space. The latest suggestion   12   the idea that Easter Island represents one of the worst cases of resource abuse in human history. It is said that a small group of Asians settled on Easter Island   13   between 400 and 700 AD. They developed a great civilization with huge forests and   14   food. At the peak of their civilization, the people began to build the giant   15   men. Why they did this is still   16   but it is possible the figures represent the settlers’ gods or ancestors.   17   the statues grew larger, the people’s lifestyles became more and more wasteful. The forest began to disappear, which   18   all the animals dying out.   19   couldn’t get food and were forced to eat other humans. Society began to   20   and the islanders themselves finally destroyed the stone men.

    1. A. said                      B. were called               C. named                      D. spoke

    2. A. and                      B. but                           C. however                   D. still

    3. A. surprise                B. surprised                  C. surprising                 D. surprisingly

    4. A. looking                 B. resembling                C. liking                       D. standing for

    5. A. weigh                   B. lift                           C. get                           D. measure

    6. A. forward                B. outward                   C. onward                    D. inward

    7. A. broken                  B. soft                          C. hard                         D. burnt

    8. A. looking                 B. invention                  C. discovery                 D. covering

    9. A. have happened    B. have led to   C. have taken place        D. have created

    10. A. usual                  B. common                   C. familiar                    D. similar

    11. A. Another               B. Other                       C. Others                            D. Many

    12. A. is focused on     B. is based on      C. is depended on          D. is concentrated on

    13. A. some day            B. one day                    C. sometime                 D. once

    14. A. plenty of             B. number of                C. much of                   D. amount of

    15. A. clever                 B. stone                        C. wooden                    D. iron

    16. A. welcome             B. known                            C. unimportant              D. unknown

    17. A. While                  B. After                        C. With                        D. As

    18. A. resulted in           B. resulted from            C. created                     D. lay in

    19. A. The islands     B. The people    C. The animals      D. The Europeans

    20. A. break out            B. break in                    C. break into                 D. break down

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类
  • 难度: 使用次数:61 入库时间:2011-12-26
    来源: 江西省兴国县将军中学2012届高三上学期期中考试(英语)

    Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things nust die. But people now live longer than they 36 . Yet, all living things still show the 37 of aging, which will eventually 38 death.

    Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity (成熟期), the cells of the body and the 39 they form do not function as well as they 40 in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less 41 against disease and is more 42 to have accident.

    A number of related causes may 43 aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not 44 when they die. As a person ages, 45 of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. 46 body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the 47 cells may not be as workable or as capable 48 growth as those of a young person.

    Another 49 in aging may be changes within the cells 50 . Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known 51 with age and become less elastic (有弹性的). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles (起皱纹) and 52 . This is also the reason why old people 53 in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and 54 information that the cells need. Aging may affect this 55 and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well.

    36.A.would                   B.be used to          C.used to                            D.used

    37.A.function         B.effect                 C.affect                        D.appearance

    38.A.lead in           B.give in                      C.run into                            D.result in

    39.A.hands                   B.feet                           C.heart                                D.organs

    40.A.do                        B.has done                    C.did                                   D.had done

    41.A.energy                  B.protection           C.vigor                                D.power

    42.A.likely                    B.probable                    C.possible                            D.alike

    43.A.attend to        B.contribute to              C.add to                             D.devote to

    44.A.replaced         B.reborn                C.recovered                         D.surrendered

    45.A.a number              B.the amount         C.the number                D.a great deal

    46.A.The others            B.The other                  C.Another                            D.Other

    47.A.old                B.left                            C.new                                 D.other

    48.A.to                         B.for                            C.of                             D.in

    49.A.factor                   B.effect                 C.reason                       D.element

    50.A.for themselves       B.of themselves             C.themselves                D.on their own

    51.A.change                 B.to have changed  C. to change                 D.to be changed

    52.A.hangs loose    B.hangs loosely             C.is hanging loosely       D.is hanging loose

    53.A.increase         B.shrink                C.lengthen                           D.decrease

    54.A.pass away             B.pass by                     C.pass of                            D.pass on

    55.A.improvement  B.procession          C.approach                          D.process

    题型:完型填空  知识点:社会历史类