
Our website is presenting to you the world’s leading museums and gallaries:

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

The Smithsonian is one of the world’s leading research and museum complexes, with 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and various research stations. More than 137 million objects detailing America’s history are exhibited here.  There’s so much to see that, if you spent every day and night looking at the exhibits at normal pace, in ten years you’d see only ten percent of the whole. Therefore, it’s wise to head out with a plan. Focus on some famous exhibits at two or three different museums.

Le Louvre, Paris, France

The Louvre was a medieval fortress and the palace of the kings of France before becoming a museum two centuries ago. The addition of the Chinese architect I. M. Pei’s stylish glass pyramid(金字塔) shocked many when it was opened to public in 1989 as the new main entrance, yet it somehow works and has won compliment in the country, combining the palace’s various elements to make the museum stand out as the most shinning diamond on the French artistic crown. The museum’s collections, though failing to excel in numbers, are among the most important in the world.

The Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece

The amazing groundfloor gallery houses were found from the slopes of the Acropolis( 卫城). Its amazing see-through glass floor provides a walk over history, with a view of the archaeological(考古的) digging. Smaller settlements have been dug out, providing glimpses of Athenian life. Despite its lack of variety in exhibits and limited collections, the Acropolis attracts audience by, for the first time, allowing visitors to take in the stone exhibits, which are displayed in open air characterized by changing natural light.

State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

Russia may be isolated from the artistic centers of the US or West Europe, but the Hermitage has managed to acquire a spectacular collection of world art—three million items in numbers. The museum occupies six buildings along the Neva River, the leading structure being the candy-like Winter Palace. This gloriously  blue-and-white structure was finished in 1764 and over the next several centuries was the main residence of the czars(沙皇). The museum’s leading attraction is Western European art—in 120 rooms in four buildings ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day.

70. Compared with the other three, which of the following is not geographically distinguished in art history?

   A. Smithsonian Institution.           B. Le Louvre.

   C. The Acropolis Museum.              D. State Hermitage.

71. Which of the following enjoys the largest number of exhibit collections?

   A. Smithsonian Institution.           B. Le Louvre.

   C. The Acropolis Museum.              D. State Hermitage.

72. The new Le Louvre entrance was recognized by French people because ______.

   A. it was designed by a famous foreign architect

   B. it was constructed in a very fashionable style

   C. it demonstrates the joint effect of different factors

   D. it exhibits the diamond on the crown of a French king

73. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

   A. If you plan well, you can view most exhibits of Smithsonian Institution during one visit.

   B. The Winter Palace used to serve as the home for Russian kings.

   C. For preservation, the Acropolis Museum exhibits are not allowed to be exposed to sunlight.

   D. The Russian domestic art works are the most attractive collections in State Hermitage.



根据可圈可点权威老师分析,试题“ ”主要考查你对 政治经济类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“资料梳理”如下:
◎ 政治经济类阅读的定义



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When Christmas time is upon us, there won't be many families without some type of Christmas tree. Most will choose between a cut pine tree and an artificial plastic tree.

Artificial Christmas trees are usually made from steel and the plastic known as PVC. To produce one kilogram of raw PVC you need over a kilo of fossil fuels plus half a kilo of minerals and 10 L of water. The process also releases about two kilograms of CO2 ― which contributes to climate change ― and eight grams of dangerous waste.

Most live Christmas trees come either from small plantations dedicated to growing trees just for Christmas or are the rejects from large pine plantations. In both cases, the growing trees provide some long-term soil protection and suck up climate-change-causing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, the use of fertilizers and pollution from machinery can have negative impacts on the local ecosystems.

Both types of trees require transportation to reach your home, which means fuels are burnt and air pollution generated. The greater the distance travelled, the larger the impact, and plastic trees certainly rack up the kilometres. The vast majority of Australia’s artificial trees are made in factories in Asia. If a family in Melbourne buys a plastic tree made in China, then it has travelled more than 8,000 km to arrive at its new home. Alternatively, someone living near Melbourne's CBD could get a real tree from a plantation less than 50 km away.

Despite the shorter life span, real trees are the way to go, because a natural tree can be reused in its afterlife. A plastic Christmas tree can’t be recycled and that means its final resting place will be the local dump. Here the PVC will stay in much the same form for thousands of years.

72. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

      A. Artificial Christmas trees are usually made from steel and plastic.

B. The process of producing PVC does great harm to the environment.

C. Real Christmas trees usually come from large or small plantations.

D. Real Christmas trees release much carbon dioxide while growing.

73. By saying “rack up the kilometres”, the author probably means that the transportation of plastic trees _______.

A. is more convenient                         B. produces more pollution

C. covers a shorter distance                D. can save more fuels

74. According to the passage, real Christmas trees _______ compared with fake ones.

A. use fewer resources                       B. are more difficult to recycle

C. last much longer                             D. are less expensive

75. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. Real Christmas Trees: A Wasteful luxury

B. Fake Christmas Trees: A Economical Choice

C. Real Christmas Trees: A Greener Decision

D. Fake Christmas Trees: A Popular Trend


    Managers of most businesses want high profits in order to pay high dividends(红利)to their investorsFor this reasonthey aim to keep costs as low as possible .They also want to set high prices to gain high returnsBut competition within the industry often prevents them from doing soGenerallya business will not increase the price of its output if its competitors will not increase their pricesIf a business sets its prices higher than those of its competitorsmany of its customers will buy the output of its competitors

    An important decision managers make is their choice of the input-mix in what combination of capital(资本)laborand raw materials to use in productionThe goal is to keep production costs as low as possibleIf labor costs are highfor examplea firm may spend money in automatic machinery so that fewer workers are needed to complete the same taskIf labor is cheapthe company may decide to employ extra workers instead of buying a machine to do the jobThe combination of inputs that permits a firm to produce its goods or services at the lowest possible cost without reducing quality is called the most productive input-mix

    The goal of keeping production costs low also affects a company’s choice of locationThe resources an industry needs and the customers it serves are rarely close to each otherAs a resulta business must transport inputsoutputsor bothA business also tries to keep transportation costs as low as possible

    Transportation costs are based on weight as well as on distanceThe location a company selects may thus depend on whether the company’s product is heavier or lighter than the materials used to make itThe soft drink industrywhich adds water to other ingredients to make its productsis an example of an industry that produces weight-gaining productsSoft drink companies choose locations near their customersThe paper industry is an example of industries that produce weight losing productsMany such industries are near sources of rataT materials


57What do businesses choose to do about the prices of their products in competition?

    ATo set higher prices       BTo leave the prices unchanged

    CTo offer lower prices     D  To keep the prices adjustable

58The underlined phrase “the most productive input-mix” means mixing inputs      

    Awith goods or services sold at the lowest possible prices

    Bby selling goods or services at the lowest possible prices

    Cto produce goods or services at the lowest possible cost

    D  to produce quality goods or services at the lowest possible cost

 59Why is a company usually very careful about choosing its location?

    ABecause the materials it needs are rather far away

    BBecause the customers it serves are not so close

    CBecause transportation costs and the distance are closely related

    D  Because both production and transportation costs are very high

60The soft drink industry and the paper making industry are used as examples because      

    Athey share a lot of things in common

    B  they are both only making lower profits

    Cthe transportation costs of their products are the same

    D  they are quite different when considering the locations


Do you know about a series of books that say they are “for dummies ”? These American self-help books have been translated into more than thirty-nine languages including ChineseArabicRussianFrenchGermanGreek and Spanish

“Dummy” is a word for a stupid personThe dummies books are not really for stupid peopleThey are designed to show people how to do something they may never have tried beforelike painting a house or learning a languageThe books all say in a funny way that they are for dummiessuch as World History for DummiesRabbits for DummiesChinese Cooking for Dummiesand Wedding Planning for DummiesThe first such bookDOS for Dummieswas published in 1991It helped people learn how to use the DOS opcrating system for computersSince thenmore than one hundred fifty million dummies books have been sold   

The dummies.corn website explains the idea behind the booksIt says that they show that people can be taught to do anythingFirst they can make fun of ideas that are difficult to understandThen they show how the information can be interesting and easyThe publishers (出版商) say that the books do not provide more information than necessaryThey give readers just enough information to do what they wantThey say that the dummies books give the best and easiest way to do somethingAnd the books use simple and easy language

There are more than one thousand different dummies booksA report in New York Times says that the top-selling dummies books are those that explain technology and personal finance (财经)

The publishers say that the best-selling dummies books are those providing information many people need-like information about diseaseseducation and cookingPeople interested in operacar repair and wine can also find dummies books to help themAnd there are even more dummies books to comeThe publishers say that they publish about two hundred new dummies books every year


48Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

ASelf-Help Books                   BThe Easiestthe Best

CBooks for Dummies             DNew Ideas Behind the Books

49According to the dummies.com websitewith the help of dummies books people can __________

Asimplify some personal things      Bdo anything they want

Cbecome expert in any field           D1earn any foreign language

50The dummies books have been popular because __________

Athey provide just what is needed and are easy to understand

 Bthey provide much information on the related subject

Cpeople can learn to do anything with just one copy

Dpeople can save lots of money through self-teaching

51According to New York Timeswe know the books selling best are the ones on __________    

Acooking and world history        Bopera and car repairing   

Cdiseases and education             Dtechnology and personal finance

52What can we learn from the passage?   

AThe first dummies book was on Chinese cooking

BThe dummies books will continue to be popular

CFifty million different dummies books have been published   

DThe simple language was intended for child readers   


Forget Miami, Los Angeles and New York. The next big Latin music explosion is on its way in secondary markets across the United States, and the numbers are there to back it up. Among all genres(种类),Latin music was the only one registering growth in 2005. From tiny Vero Beach in northern Florida to Des Moines, Iowa, in the heart of the Midwest, from Charlotte, N. C. to Salt Lake City, Latin music sales are skyrocketing.

Wilson says there are two major reasons for the increase. One is simply the Hispanic(说西班牙语国家的) population's increase in specific areas, which encourages stores to carry Latin product for the first time. Second, and perhaps more important, is the fact that major companies―whether dealing in music or not―are addressing the Latin consumer at a corporate (公司的) level, creating Latin departments and hiring Latin ad agencies. One of Handleman's suburban Detroit stores, for example, has expanded its Latin section four times in the last two years. Cities like Milwaukee and Des Moines are now stocking Latin product.

Besides, it also results from economic development. It goes something like this: More often than not, a city or country with a seeming important Hispanic population will suddenly expand its construction or offer affordable housing to those working in larger, neighboring cities. This attracts lower-income workers, many of whom are Latin. Small shops and groceries begin to stock a small selection of music. When the Latin population numbers reach a critical mass, the local mass merchant, if there is one, begins stocking the product. Sooner or later, a local radio station follows; first AM, then FM. Sometimes it's a cable TV show or a small TV station.

Of course, there are other driving forces that should not be forgotten, for example, regional Mexican music.


57. The passage mainly tells readers _____________.

   A. that more and more Americans like Latin music

   B. what makes Latin music develop fast in American market

   C. why Latin music becomes Americans' favorite music

   D. that Latin music is bringing in more benefits for Americans

58. The underlined word "skyrocketing" in the first paragraph means________.

   A. changing very quickly                        B. disappearing slowly

   C. recovering slowly                              D. increasing very quickly

59. According to the third paragraph, which shows the right relations among the following things?

①economic development                ②more Latin workers

③shops' stock of Latin music         ④local radio station

⑤small TV station                         ⑥the development of Latin music











60. Suppose that passage doesn't finish, which of the following may be discussed next?

A. The variety of Latin music in America.

B. The economic development in Hispanic area.

C. The historic development of Mexican music.

D. The driving forces of regional Mexican music


Teachers spend countless years trying to make history come alive for their students. But, US Director Shawn Levy attempts to do this on film in the recently released Night at the Museum.

The film is adapted from Milan Trenc’s book of the same name. It brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth, a former president rides again, warlike early Asians return, and cowboys and Roman soldiers seek to bring back their old goals.

The familiar comedy star Ben Stiller acts as a luckless dreamer named Larry Daley. He takes a position as night watchman at the New York Museum of Natural History.

On Larry’s first night, he’s left alone by the three aging guards he’s replacing. They fail to inform him of the museum’s rather unusual nightlife.

Soon Larry finds himself chased down the hallways by the very lively skeleton of a dinosaur, in the middle of a confrontation(交锋) with Asian warriors. He is caught in a territorial battle between a cowboy and a Roman general and meets face-to-face with former US president Teddy Roosevelt, played by Robin Williams. They are each from an exhibit that has come to life through the magic of a priceless Egyptian tablet.

While the film fails to develop very much in some areas for example, Larry’s troubled relationship with a son, it does have enough special effects, and jokes to engage the audience.

Bottom Line: Definitely not Oscar-worthy, but a great way to relax during a holiday.


66The purpose of this passage is to _______.

Aintroduce a book called Night at the Museum

Bintroduce a movie called Night at the Museum

Cmade known a US director Shawn Levy

Dmake students learn history easier

67We can know from the first paragraph that ________.

Ateachers don’t do well in their jobs

Ba director can do a better job than teachers

Cpeople can learn some history through a film

Dall history classes should be stopped

68Which of the following is NOT true?

AThe film has the same name as the book.

BLarry Daley is a character in the film.

CTeddy Roosevelt was once a US president.

DAll magic Egyptian tablets are on exhibition.

69On Larry’s first night in the film, _________.

Athree aging guards are involved in a battle

Bhe doesn’t know the unusual nightlife beforehand

Ca Roman general plays many jokes on a cowboy

Dhe is caught by a wandering dinosaur

70We can infer that Night at the Museum ________.

Ais a good time-killer during a holiday

Bwill surely win an Oscar

Cis not a good film at all

Dwill be popular among students


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