
   Christie Watson was only 17 years old when she walked into the room of a patient. Now, as a    21    , her 20 years in the sickroom has taught Watson that though knowledge of biology and chemistry is    22   , the art of good nursing    23    pure kindness.

Watson never forgets two nurses. One nurse     24   tiny spoonfuls of yoghurt to Watson when she was    25    to hospital for an allergic reaction as a child. The other nurse sang Watson's newborn son to    26    at 2 am, and then came back after her    27    had ended ——with a cup of coffee. That is    28    Watson spends the greater part of her career nursing seriously ill children.

Watson described washing the    29    smell from the hair of a little girl who was hurt in a fire, and her    30    to deal with mentally ill patients in her book. "A nurse's bones become    31   with every serious case she    32    and there are too many,” writes Watson.

However, her hands always shake    33    she opens the doors to the operating room, which is a( n)    34    of the random nature of life to her. We can not know whose brake will    35    , and whose roof will fall down. We can't    36    and control them. But her kindness gives    37        to the patients and reduces their pain. Because of it, they can find joy in the most    38    places where they have to stay. The    39    of a six-year-old girl with a serious disease    40    to be the most high-spirited sound in the room.

21Adoctor             Bnurse                      Cpatient                   Dbaby-sitter

22A,professional    Bcomplex                 Cvital                       Dabundant

23Aadapts to         Bresults in                Cresponds to             Dlies in

24Afed                 Bdonated                  Csupplied                 Dbought

25Aabandoned       Bseparated                Csent                       Drejected

26Acalm               Bsmiles                    Ctears                      Dsleep

27Aappointment    Bshift                       Cattendance              Doperation

28Awhat               Bhow                       Cwhy                       Dbecause

29Asmoky            Bsour                       Csweet                     Ddamp

30Adecision          Bstruggle                  Cintention                Dreaction

31Aharder             Bsofter                     Chealthier                 Dstraighter

32Aresearches       Bsettles                     Cdiscovers                Dwitnesses

33Aafter               Bunless                     Cas                          Dalthough

34Aevidence         Breminder                Cimpression              Dwarning

35Afail                 Bfix                         Cstop                       Dfunction

36Arealize            Bpredict                   Cunderstand              Dchallenge

37Atreatment        Bsatisfaction             Ccomfort                  Drespect

38Aunfriendly       Bunfair                     Cunforgettable          Dunlikely

39Alaughter          Bbreath                    Csob                        Dshout

40Afigures out      Bmakes out               Cbrings out               Dturns out

























21考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,作为一名护士,在病房里的20年教会了沃森,虽然生物和化学知识是至关重要的,但好的护理艺术在于纯粹的善良。A. doctor医生; B. nurse 护士;C. patient 病人;D. baby-sitter保姆。根据后文句子the art of good nursing 3pure kindness,可见她是一名护士,所以选B

22考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. professional 专业的;B. complex复杂的;C. vital 重要的;D. abundant丰富的。对于护士来说,生物和化学知识当然是重要的,故选C

23考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A.adapts to 适应;B. results in 导致;C. responds to 回应;D. lies in存在于。根据句意和下文语境并结合选项可知,良好护理的艺术在于纯粹的仁慈,故选D

24考查动词词义辨析。句意:沃森小时候因为过敏反应被送进医院,一位护士给她喂了一小勺酸奶。A.fed 喂养;B. donated 捐赠;C. supplied提供; D. bought买。根据tiny spoonfuls of yoghurt ,应该是在她生病的时候,一个护士给她喂过酸奶,所以选A

25考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A.abandoned遗弃; B. separated分离; C. sent 送;D. rejected拒绝。过敏反应应该是被送进医院所。以选C

26考查形容词词义辨析。句意:另一名护士在凌晨两点为沃森刚出生的儿子唱歌,让他睡觉,然后在换班结束后拿着一杯咖啡回来。A.calm 平静;B. smiles 微笑;C. tears 眼泪;D. sleep睡眠。根据sang Watson's newborn son 和空后的时间at 2 am可知,是哄孩子睡,所以选D

27考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.appointment 预约;B. shift 轮班;C. attendance 出勤;D. operation手术。根据常识可知,回来应该是在轮班后,所以选B

28考查连词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么沃森把她职业生涯的大部分时间花在照顾重病儿童上。A. what什么; B. how 如何;C. why 为什么;D. because因为根据上文可知,讲述影响沃森的两个护士是为了说明为什么Watson的大部分职业生涯都在照顾重病儿童,所以选C

29考查形容词词义辨析。句意:沃森在她的书中描述了一个在火灾中受伤的小女孩洗头发时散发出的烟熏味,以及她与精神病患者打交道的艰难过程。A.smoky多烟的; B. sour 酸的;C. sweet甜的; D. damp潮湿的。根据后文句子who was hurt in a fire,应该是有烟味的头发,所以选A

30考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.decision 决定;B. struggle 斗争,难事;C. intention打算; D. reaction反应。根据下文A nurse's bones become ____11____with every serious case she ____12____ and there are too many,” writes Watson.可知,她的书中写到在处理精神病患者时候的斗争,所以选B

31考查形容词词义辨析。句意:沃森写道:“护士会随着她所目击的每一个严重的病例而变得坚硬,而且这样的病例太多了。A.harder 坚硬;B. softer 软的;C. healthier健康的;D. straighter直的。根据句意和语境可知,此处用harderbones搭配最合语境。故选A

32考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A.researches 观察;B. settles处理; C. discovers 发现;D. witnesses目击。本句中she witnesses是定语从修饰名词case,结合句意,所以选D

33考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而,当她打开手术室的门时,她的手总是在颤抖,这提醒着她生命的随机性。A.after之后; B. unless除非;C. as 的时候;D. although尽管。根据下文which is a( n) ___14___ of the random nature of life to her.可知,此处是指打开门时,所以选C

34考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.evidence证据; B. reminder 提醒;C. impression 印象D. warning警告。根据下文We can not know whose brake will ____15____ , and whose roof will fall down. We can't ___16___ and control them. 可知,打开手术室的门这是对生命随意性的一次提醒。所以选B

35考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不知道谁的刹车会失灵,谁的屋顶会塌下来。A.fail 失败;B. fix 安装;C. stop 停止;D. function有效. 根据后文whose roof will fall down,可见我们不知道谁的刹车会失灵,所以选A

36考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们无法预测和控制它们。A.realize 意识到;B. predict 预测;C. understand理解; D. challenge挑战。根据常识可知,在生死面前我们不能预测也不能控制,所以选B

37考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是她的善良给了病人安慰,减轻了他们的痛苦。A.treatment治疗; B. satisfaction满意; C. comfort 安慰;D. respect希望.根据语境结合句意可知,仁慈好心能给病人以安慰减轻痛苦,所以选C

38考查形容词词义辨析。句意:正因为如此,他们可以在最不可能的地方找到快乐。A.unfriendly不友好的; B. unfair 不公平的;C. unforgettable 难忘的;D. unlikely不可能的。根据上文But her kindness gives ____17____     to the patients and reduces their pain. Because of itit指代的是her kindness,结合句意可知,这种善良让他们在最不能的地方找到了快乐。所以选D

39考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个六岁的身患重病的小女孩的笑声是房间里最振奋人心的声音。A. laughter 笑;B. breath健康;C. sob 抽泣;D. shout大叫。根据空后的to be the most high-spirited sound in the room.结合选项可知,笑声是房间里最欢快的声音。所以选A

40考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. figures out弄明白; B. makes out 做出;C. brings out 带来;D. turns out结果是。turn out to be“结果是,原来是的意思,结合句意和个选项的意思可知,结果是女孩的笑声带给这个房间里最欢快的声。故选D


God's Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, decided to visit their old university professor. They   16    to walk to the house and on getting into the door, they began chatting with their former professor.    17   , conversation soon turned into   18   about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and   19    with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups-porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some    20    looking, some expensive, some exquisite-telling them to help themselves to the    21   .

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, ''If you    22     all the nice looking expensive cups were    23   , leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the    24   of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no   25    to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and, in some cases, even    26   what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you   27   went for the best cups…And then you began   28    each other's cups. ''

Now take this into   29   : Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not   30   , nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by   31   only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. '' So, it is vital for us to learn the importance of ''coffee''    32    the wonderful ''cups'', as it may disturb our   33   .

God brews the coffee, not the cups. Enjoy your coffee! ''The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. '' Live simply. Love generously. Care   34   . Speaking kindly. With all of these things in your mind, you can just leave the   35    to God.

16Agot through     Bgot together            Cgot up                    Dgot around

17AHowever         BTherefore               CThen                      DBut

18Acomplaints      Bapologies                Cdiscussions             Dviews

19Abrought           Bcarried                   Creturned                 Dcame

20Aartificial          Bsimple                    Caffordable              Dplain

21Acoffee             Btea                         Cjuice                      Dfood

22Agot                 Bknew                      Cnoticed                   Dfound

23Apulled up        Bpicked up               Ctaken up                 Dput up

24Acontent           Bresource                 Csource                    Dsupply

25Adimension       Bequipment              Cpleasure                 Dquality

26Afades              Bhides                      Cmisses                    Dabandons

27Aconsciously     Bconfidentially          Cimmediately           Dpreferably

28Aglaring            Beyeing                    Cglancing                 Dregretting

29Athought           Bconsidering             Cmind                      Daccount

30Adefine             Bruin                       Canticipate               Ddeduce

31Alooking           Bconcentrating          Cgoing                     Dbasing

32Ain reference to Binstead of               Cregardless of           Din spite of

33Aversion           Beyesight                  Cvision                    Dinsight

34Atimely             Bbroadly                  Cwonderfully            Ddeeply

35Acoffee             Bcup                        Cfantasy                   Drest


America’s Living Natural History Museum

●On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone became the first national park for all to enjoy the unique hydrothermal wonders. As development spread across the West, the 2.2 million acres of habitat within the park became an important sanctuary for the largest concentration of wildlife in the lower 48 states.

☆Things you can do

●An amazing experience awaits you here. Yellowstone is a seasonal park, so plan your visit by learning about the current conditions, operating seasons and hours, road conditions, lodging and eating options, and available activities.

●Hike a trail: Lace up your boots, grab your bear spray, and explore nearly 1,000 miles of trails.

●Watch wild life:Bring some binoculars or a spotting scope and enjoy animals from a safe distance.

●Take photos:Best practices & tips for shooting in Yellowstone.

●Bike in the park:Enjoy the scenery on two wheels.

●Ride a horse:Bring your own stock or take a guided ride.

Contact the park!

We welcome all of you to come to Yellowstone.

Mailing Address:PO Box 168 Yellowstone National Park, WY 821900168  Phone:3073447381

36According to the paragraph above, what cannot you do in the park

Ause scope to watch animals in a distance that will not bother animals.

Bexperience different scenery in different seasons.

Clace up your boots, and try to take photos with bears if you can.

Denjoy a horse ride under guidance.

37What is the main purpose for the author to write this article

Ato appeal to more tourists to Yellowstone.

Bto give the readers fundamental information about Yellowstone.

Cto answer the government’s call.

Dto give tourists some tips on travelling in Yellowstone.



Feeling extreme loneliness can increase an older person’s risk of premature (过早的)death by 14 percent, according to research by John Cacioppo, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago.

Cacioppo and his colleagues’ work shows that the impact of loneliness on premature death is nearly as strong as the impact of disadvantaged socioeconomic status, which they found increases the chances of dying early by 19 percent. A 2010 metaanalysis showed that loneliness has twice as much impact on early death as obesity does, he said.

The researchers looked at dramatic differences in the rate of decline in physical and mental health as people aged. Cacioppo and his colleagues have examined the role of satisfying relationships on older people to develop their resilience ([rɪˈzɪliəns] 快速恢复的能力;适应力), the ability to feel better quickly after something unpleasant, and grow from stresses in life.

The consequences for health are dramatic, as feeling isolated or separated from others can disturb sleep, elevate blood pressure, increase morning rises in the stress hormone cortisol ([‘kɔ:tɪsɒl] 皮质醇), change the gene expression in immune cells, increase depression and lower overall subjective wellbeing, Cacioppo pointed out in a talk, “ Rewarding Social Connections Promote Successful Aging.”

Cacioppo, one of the nation’s leading experts on loneliness, said older people can avoid the consequences of loneliness by staying in touch with former coworkers, taking part in family traditions, and sharing good times with family and friends all of which give older adults a chance to connect with others about whom they care and who care about them.

”Retiring to Florida to live in a warmer climate among strangers isn’t necessarily a good idea if it means you are disconnected from the people who mean much to you,” said Cacioppo. Population changes make understanding the role of loneliness and health all the more important,he explained. “People have to think about how to protect themselves from depression, low subjective wellbeing and early death. “

Although some people are happy to be alone, most people develop from social situations in which they provide mutual support and establish a strong bond. Evolution encourages people to work together to survive and accordingly most people enjoy companionship compared to be alone.

It is not solitude (独处)or physical isolation itself, but rather the subjective sense of isolation that Cacioppo’s work shows to be so destructive. Older people living alone are not necessarily lonely if they remain actively engaged in social life and enjoy the company of those around them. Some aspects of aging, such as blindness and loss of hearing, however, place people at special risk of becoming isolated and lonely, he said.

Passage outline

Supporting details

The main idea

Chances are that older people will die early if they feel extremely 51.

52 with loneliness

• Like disadvantaged socioeconomic status and obesity, loneliness can 53 old men’s premature death.

• When 54 from others, one will find physical health impacted and tend to feel depressive and unhappy.


• Keep in touch with others and take part in 55 activities.

• Choosing to live in a pleasant climate don’t necessarily make sense if the elder are disconnected from people who are 56 to them.

• Think about how to57 depression, low subjective wellbeing and early death.

• Work together with others to 58, to gain mutual support and establish a strong bond.


• The sense of isolation, rather than solitude or physical isolation itself, isn’t 59to elders.

• Living alone doesn’t mean loneliness if older people live an 60 social life.


  The Secure Child

By Stanley Greenspan, M. D.

Publisher: Da Capo Press & Reprint Press

Print list price: £5.99

Kindle price: £ 2.99, save £3.00

In this book, Dr. Stanley Greenspan offers a set of guiding principles to help parents of children —from preschoolers to teenagers — so that they feel secure in their homes, their schools, and in the society at large.

Building Healthy Minds

By Stanley Greenspan, M. D.& Nancy Lewis

Publisher Da Capo Press

Print list price £ 7.99

Kindle price £ 4. 49, save £ 3.50

The book applies Dr. Greenspan' s developmental theories to a child' s everyday life with practical, delightful observations and advice. Every parent wants to raise a bright, happy, and moral child, but until Stanley Greenspan did much research on the building blocks of such qualities, no one could show parents how and when these qualities begin.

The Learning Tree

By Stanley Greenspan, M. D.& Nancy Thorndike Greenspan

Publisher Da Capo Press

Print list price £ 11.99

Kindle price: £ 7. 99, save £ 4.00

Using the metaphor(隐喻)of a tree, Dr. Stanley Greenspan explains that the roots represent how children take in the world through what they hear, see, smell, and touch. The trunk represents thinking skills through which children grow both academically and socially. The branches represent children's basic abilities to read, write, do math, and organize their work.

The Challenging Child

By Stanley Greenspan, M. D.& Jacqueline Salmon

Publisher: Da Capo Press

Print list price £ 5.99

Kindle price £ 4.24, save £ 1.75

Most children fall into five basic types that come from inborn physical characteristics: the sensitive child, the self-absorbed child, the defiant (反叛的)child, the inattentive child, and the aggressive child. Stanley Greenspan, M. D.is the first to show parents how to match their parenting to the challenges of their particular child.

1Which book saves most on its Kindle edition?

AThe Secure Child                                       BBuilding Healthy Minds

CThe Learning Tree                                      DThe Challenging Child

2What common theme do the four books carry?

AThe types of children.                                BChildren's learning abilities.

CAdvice on educating children.                     DChildren's moral development.

3What can we know about Stanley Greenspan?

AHe wrote the four books on his own.

BHe’s the first to study children's types.

CHe has been working hard in Da Capo Press’

DHe based Building Healthy Minds on his study.


Tips for Writing a Great Speech

How to write a strong speech? There are a lot of different ways to answer that question. 16

Read your speech out loud.

Unlike almost all other forms of writing, speech-writing is designed for listeners. So, when reviewing your text, read it to yourself and pay attention to how the words sound and feel. 17 If your phrases make you stumble (结巴),they are guaranteed to make your boss stumble as well. Just remember that good writing is not necessarily good speech-writing.

Simple phrases are your friends.

Keep your sentences short and sweet. Compound phrases with multiple clauses may look great on paper, but are likely to confuse your audience and decrease the effectiveness of your speech. Limit yourself to one or two ideas per sentence. 18

Do your research.

Before beginning a speech, make sure to familiarize yourself with the subject. 19 The creative aspects of speech-writing are only effective when backed by a strong foundation of knowledge by the speaker. The audience must trust your words in order for their meaning to sink in. If you' re well-prepared, it will show.


Your listeners should be a strong determining factor of the content, tone and style of your speech. Before drafting remarks, think about who you' re speaking to, the place you' re speaking at and the timing of your speech. There's a time and a place for every type of remarks. It's your job to figure out when and where you are.

AKnow your audience.

BShow respect to your listeners.

CExpress them as clearly and powerfully as possible.

DThus, you can write about it with confidence and authority.

E.Do they slip off the tongue or are they clumsy and awkward?

F.Different writers are most likely to adopt diverse approaches to speech-writing.

G.Here are rules that all writers should follow in order to write a winning speech.


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