

(1) 表示欢迎;

(2) 推荐他上哪所大学

(3) 建议他做哪些准备工作。

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Dear Jim,




Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I’m so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.

Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparation, some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment.

I sincerely hope your dream will come true and it’s my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when that day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know.


Li Hua



亮点说明:文章中巧妙使用非谓语Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, 使句子结构紧凑。

使用定语从句Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. 使句子表达更完美巧妙使用连接词while引出来中国前的准备,使句子结构对称。


    Bacteria are an annoying problem for astronauts. The microorganisms(微生物) from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station, so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week. How is NASA overcoming this very tiny big problem? It’s turning to a bunch of high school kids. But not just any kids. It is depending on NASA HUNCH high school classrooms, like the one science teachers Gene Gordon and Donna Himmelberg lead at Fairport High School in Fairport, New York.

HUNCH is designed to connect high school classrooms with NASA engineers. For the past two years, Gordon’s students have been studying ways to kill bacteria in zero gravity, and they think they’re close to a solution(解决方案). “We don’t give the students any breaks. They have to do it just like NASA engineers,” says Florence Gold, a project manager.

“There are no tests,” Gordon says. “There is no graded homework. There almost are no grades, other than ‘Are you working towards your goal?’ Basically, it’s ‘I’ve got to produce this product and then, at the end of year, present it to NASA.’ Engineers come and really do an in-person review, and...it’s not a very nice thing at times. It’s a hard business review of your product.”

Gordon says the HUNCH program has an impact(影响) on college admissions and practical life skills. “These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don’t teach.” And that annoying bacteria? Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem, readying a workable solution to test in space.

117What do we know about the bacteria in the International Space Station?

AThey are hard to get rid of.                          BThey lead to air pollution.

CThey appear in different forms.                   DThey damage the instruments.

118What is the purpose of the HUNCH program?

ATo strengthen teacher-student relationships.

BTo sharpen students’ communication skills.

CTo allow students to experience zero gravity.

DTo link space technology with school education.

119What do the NASA engineers do for the students in the program?

ACheck their product.                                  BGuide project designs.

CAdjust work schedules.                               DGrade their homework.

120What is the best title for the text?

ANASA: The Home of Astronauts

BSpace: The Final Homework Frontier

CNature: An Outdoor Classroom

DHUNCH: A College Admission Reform


    For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative.

“It’s no secret that China has always been a source(来源) of inspiration for designers,” says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚) shows.

Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学) on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries. The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.

“China is impossible to overlook,” says Hill. “Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement.” Of course, not only are today’s top Western designers being influenced by China—some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese. “Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs—and beating them hands down in design and sales,” adds Hill.

For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. “The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers,” she says. “China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market. If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China—its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways.”

121What can we learn about the exhibition in New York?

AIt promoted the sales of artworks.                BIt attracted a large number of visitors.

CIt showed ancient Chinese clothes.               DIt aimed to introduce Chinese models.

122What does Hill say about Chinese women?

AThey are setting the fashion.                        BThey start many fashion campaigns.

CThey admire super models.                         DThey do business all over the world.

123What do the underlined words “taking on” in paragraph 4 mean?

Alearning from         Blooking down on     Cworking with          Dcompeting against

124What can be a suitable title for the text?

AYoung Models Selling Dreams to the World

BA Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York

CDifferences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics

DChinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends


    Today's world is not an easy adjustment for young adults. Key skill set for success is persistence (毅力), a characteristic that researchers say is heavily influenced by fathers. Researchers from Brigham Young University discovered that fathers are in a unique position to help their adolescent children learn persistence.

BYU professors Laura Padilla-Walker and Randal Day arrived at these findings after following 325 American families over several years. And over timethe persistence gained through fathers led to higher achievement in school.

"There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers"Padilla-Walker said. "This research also helps to prove that characteristics such as persistence-which can be taught-are key to a child's life success.”

Researchers determined that dads need to practice an "authoritative" parenting style. Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian:rigiddemanding or controlling. Ratheran authoritative parenting style includes some of the following characteristics:children feel warmth and love from their fatherresponsibility and the reasons behind rules are stressed children are given an appropriate level of autonomy(自主权).

In the studyabout 52 percent of the dads exhibited above-average levels of authoritative parenting. A key finding is that over timechildren raised by an authoritative father were significantly more likely to develop persistencewhich leads to better outcomes in school.

This particular study examined 11 to 14-year-olds living in two-parent homes. Yet the researchers suggest that single parents still may play a role in teaching the benefits of persistencewhich is an avenue of future research.

129What is special about the BYU professors' study?

AIt centered on fathers' role in parenting.

BIt was based on a number of large families.

CIt analyzed different kinds of parenting styles.

DIt aimed to improve kids' achievement in school.

130What would an authoritative father do when raising his children?

AIgnore their demands.                                 BMake decisions for them.

CControl their behaviors.                              DExplain the rules to them.

131Which group can be a focus of future studies according to the researchers?

ASingle parents.

BChildren aged from 11 to 14.

CAuthoritarian fathers.

DMothers in two-parent homes.

132Which of the following is the best title for the text?

AThree Characteristics of Authoritative Fathers.

BKey Skills for Young Adults to Succeed in Future.

CChildren Tend to Learn Determination from Father.

DFamily Relationship Influences School Performance.


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