

Why do you pull yourself out of bed every morning to go to work or school? What does it take to make you feel like your contribution in those places is truly worthwhile? Knowing what motivates you can help you find meaning in your work and make efforts to reach your goals.

Psychologists have a wide variety of ways of describing and differentiating motivations because people care about so many different things. Psychologist David McClelland identified three main motivations for people: achievement (the feeling of success), affiliation (close relationships) and power (the ability to influence the world). Authors Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton identified 23 motivations, including creativity, challenge and learning.

Some motivations, such as money, social position and praise, are external; these are the tools bosses typically use to encourage their employees to do better. Other motivations, including fun, personal growth and feeling like one’s work is significant, come from within the person doing the action. These ideals, called internal motivations, tend to be more reliable than external ones because they represent things that can never be taken away.

Since a wide variety of motivations exist, it’s important to understand which ones are persuasive to you. Trying to motivate yourself in a way that doesn’t appeal to you will make it difficult to convince yourself to work. When choosing a career, think about what motivates you and make decisions accordingly. If you are motivated by overcoming challenges, look for a career where you can continually try hard to reach a higher level.

People motivated by external rewards sometimes struggle to meet goals they set for themselves that no one else knows about. They can solve this problem by creating external rewards for their personal goals such as finding a friend to hold them accountable.

When you know what motivates you, you will be able to motivate yourself to do the things necessary to succeed. And if you are a leader, knowing what motivates your team will enable you to help them do the same.

1 Why is it important for people to be clear of their motivations?

2 How can the motivations be classified according to McClelland?

3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.

Since the external motivations involve money, social position and praise, which are often used as tools by bosses, they are more dependable than the internal ones.

4 Please briefly present what motivates you in your life and how it works. (about 40 words)


1 Because knowing what motivates people can help them find meaning in their work and make efforts to reach their goals.

2 He classified them into 3 main motivations: achievement, affiliation and power.

3 Since the external motivations involve money, social position and praise, which are often used as tools by bosses, they are more dependable than the internal ones.

In the text, the author points out that internal motivations tend to be more reliable than external ones because they represent things that can never be taken away.

4 .言之有理即可


这是一篇说明文。文章介绍知道自己工作的动机能帮助你找到工作的意义,并努力实现目标。心理学家有各种各样的方法来描述和区分动机。文章主要介绍了 David McClelland 确定的人们的三个主要动机:成功的感觉,亲密的关系和影响世界的能力。

1. 考查细节理解。根据文章第一段 “Why do you pull yourself out of bed every morning to go to work or school? What does it take to make you feel like your contribution in those places is truly worthwhile? Knowing what motivates you can help you find meaning in your work and make efforts to reach your goals. (为什么你每天早上都要从床上爬起来去上班或上学 ? 怎样才能让你觉得自己在这些地方的贡献是值得的 ? 知道自己工作的动机能帮助你找到工作的意义,并努力实现目标。) 可知,知道工作的动机能帮助你找到工作的意义,并努力实现目标,故答案为 Because knowing what motivates people can help them find meaning in their work and make efforts to reach their goals.

2. 考查细节理解。根据文章第二段第二句 “Psychologist David McClelland identified three main motivations for people: achievement (the feeling of success), affiliation (close relationships) and power (the ability to influence the world). (心理学家 David McClelland 确定了人们的三个主要动机 : 成就 ( 成功的感觉 ) ,归属 ( 亲密的关系 ) 和权力 ( 影响世界的能力 ) 。) 可知, David McClelland 确定了人们的三个主要动机就是,成就 ( 成功的感觉 ) ,归属 ( 亲密的关系 ) 和权力 ( 影响世界的能力 ) ,故答案为 He classified them into 3 main motivations: achievement, affiliation and power.

3. 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段最后一句 “These ideals, called internal motivations, tend to be more reliable than external ones because they represent things that can never be taken away. (这些理想被称为内部动机,往往比外部动机更可靠,因为它们代表着永远不能被拿走的东西。) 可知,文章指出内部动机往往比外部动机更可靠,因为它们代表的东西永远不能被拿走,故答案为 Since the external motivations involve money, social position and praise, which are often used as tools by bosses, they are more dependable than the internal ones.

In the text, the author points out that internal motivations tend to be more reliable than external ones because they represent things that can never be taken away.

4. 开放题。回答时先说出自己生活中的动机,然后再陈述是它是如何影响你的。答案言之有理即可。


I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel’s books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional    41    and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so   42   to me and had such a big   43   on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to    44   my own Cancer experience?

I’m an ambitious    45   , and when I started going through chemo(化疗),even though I’m a very    46    person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the    47   . One day, while waiting to go in for    48   , I had one of Dr. Bernie’s books in hand. Another patient    49   what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me   50   he had one of his books with me as well. It   51   that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was   52   a published author, and he was currently   53   on a new book.

We would see each other at various times and   54   friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he was definitely a (n)   55   of Dr. Berline. He really put a    56   on my face. He unfortunately    57   last year due to his cancer,    58    he left a deep impression on me and gave me the    59    to pick up my pen again. I    60    to myself, “If he can do it, then so can I.”

41Aideas               Btastes                      Cnotes                      Dmemories

42Aamazing          Bshocking                 Camusing                 Dstrange

43Astrike              Bpush                       Cchallenge                Dimpact

44Alearn from       Bget through             Cgo over                  Drefer to

45Areader             Bwriter                     Ceditor                     Ddoctor

46Ahonest             Bagreeable                Chumorous               Dpositive

47Astate               Bposition                  Cmood                     Dway

48Aadvice             Breference                Cprotection               Dtreatment

49Aviewed            Bknew                      Cnoticed                   Dwondered

50Abecause           Bwhile                     Calthough                 Dproviding

51Acame out         Bturned out               Cproved out              Dworked out

52Anaturally         Bmerely                   Chopefully               Dactually

53Adeciding          Binvesting                Crelying                   Dworking

54Abecame           Bhelped                    Cmissed                   Dvisited

55Apatient            Boperator                 Cfan                        Dpublisher

56Asmile              Bsign                       Cmark                      Dmask

57Ashowed up       Bpassed away            Cfell down                Dset off

58Asince               Bbut                         Cso                          Dfor

59Aguidance         Btrust                       Copportunity            Dinspiration

60Apromised         Bswore                     Creplied                   Dthought


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