
When people ask me how I started writing, I find myself describing an urgent need that I felt to work with language. Having said that, I did not know for a long time what I was looking for. It was not until I followed this feeling to its source that I discovered I had a passion for writing. With some encouragement from my colleagues, I had one of my poems published. This bit of success, however, was the point where my problem began.

Back in 1978, I had to travel between three different campuses in the morning, teaching freshman composition. Afternoons I spent taking my daughter to her ballet and horse-riding lessons. I composed my lectures on the way, and that was all the thinking time I had. When I returned home, there was not enough of me left for writing after a full working day.

As a way out, I decided to get up two hours before my usual time. My alarm was set for 5:00 A M. The first day I shut it off because I had placed it within arm's reach. The second day I set two clocks, one on my night table, and one out in the hallway. I had to jump out of bed and run to silence it before my family was awoken. This was when my morning writing began.

Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting many excuses for not writing. I wrote my poems in this manner for nearly ten years before my first book was published. When I decided to write a novel, I divided my two hours: the first for poetry, the second for fiction. Well or badly, I wrote at least two pages a day. This is how my novel, The Line of the Sun. was finished. If I had waited to have the time, I would still be waiting to write my novel.

What I got out of getting up in the dark to work is the feeling that I am in control. For many people, the initial sense of urgency to create easily dies away because it requires making the tough decision: taking the time to create, stealing it from yourself if ifs the only way.

1 What motivated the author to start her writing career?

A Her strong wish to share.

B Her keen interest in writing.

C Her urgent need to make a living.

D Her passionate desire for fame.

2 What problem did the author face when she decided to begin her writing?

A She was too exhausted to write after a busy day.

B She had trouble in deciding on her writing style.

C She had to take time to discipline her daughter.

D She was unsure about her writing skills.

3 Why did the author place an alarm clock in the hallway?

A In case the clock in her room broke down.

B In case she failed to hear the ringing.

C To force herself out of bed.

D To wake up her family.

4 How did the author manage to finish her novel?

A By sticking to writing every morning.

B By writing when her mind was most active.

C By drawing inspirations from classic novels.

D By reducing her teaching hours at school.

5 What can we learn from the author's success in her writing career?

A It is never too late to change your job.

B Imaginative ideas die away if not taken in time.

C A tight schedule is no excuse for lack of action.

D Daily life provides ideas for creative writing.


1 B

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 C



1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段 “When people ask me how I started writing, I find myself describing an urgent need that I felt to work with language.” 当人们问我是如何开始写作的时候,我发现自己在描述一种对语言的迫切需求。可知,促使作者开始她的写作生涯的原因是她对写作的强烈兴趣。故选 B 项。

2. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段 “When I returned home, there was not enough of me left for writing after a full working day.” 当我回到家时,在工作了一整天后,我写东西的精力已经不够了。可知,当作者决定开始写作时,因为她忙碌了一天之后,她筋疲力尽,无法再写作了。故选 A 项。

3. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段 “The first day I shut it off because I had placed it within arm's reach. The second day I set two clocks, one on my night table, and one out in the hallway.” 第一天我把它关掉了,因为我把它放在触手可及的地方。第二天,我调了两个钟,一个放在床头柜上,一个放在走廊上。可知,作者在走廊里放了一个闹钟的原因是为了强迫自己起床。故选 C 项。

4. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段 “Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting many excuses for not writing.” 1978 年的第一个早晨开始,我一直遵循这个习惯,直到今天,不为不写作找任何借口。可知,作者能够写小说的原因是坚持每天早上写作。故选 A 项。

5. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 “What I got out of getting up in the dark to work is the feeling that I am in control.” 我从摸黑起床工作中得到的是一种掌控一切的感觉。以及文章第四段 “Since that first morning in 1978, I have been following the habit to this day, not making or accepting many excuses for not writing.” 1978 年的第一个早晨开始,我一直遵循这个习惯,直到今天,不为不写作找任何借口。可知,紧凑的日程并不是不采取行动的借口。故选 C 项。


I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel’s books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional    41    and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so   42   to me and had such a big   43   on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to    44   my own Cancer experience?

I’m an ambitious    45   , and when I started going through chemo(化疗),even though I’m a very    46    person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the    47   . One day, while waiting to go in for    48   , I had one of Dr. Bernie’s books in hand. Another patient    49   what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me   50   he had one of his books with me as well. It   51   that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was   52   a published author, and he was currently   53   on a new book.

We would see each other at various times and   54   friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he was definitely a (n)   55   of Dr. Berline. He really put a    56   on my face. He unfortunately    57   last year due to his cancer,    58    he left a deep impression on me and gave me the    59    to pick up my pen again. I    60    to myself, “If he can do it, then so can I.”

41Aideas               Btastes                      Cnotes                      Dmemories

42Aamazing          Bshocking                 Camusing                 Dstrange

43Astrike              Bpush                       Cchallenge                Dimpact

44Alearn from       Bget through             Cgo over                  Drefer to

45Areader             Bwriter                     Ceditor                     Ddoctor

46Ahonest             Bagreeable                Chumorous               Dpositive

47Astate               Bposition                  Cmood                     Dway

48Aadvice             Breference                Cprotection               Dtreatment

49Aviewed            Bknew                      Cnoticed                   Dwondered

50Abecause           Bwhile                     Calthough                 Dproviding

51Acame out         Bturned out               Cproved out              Dworked out

52Anaturally         Bmerely                   Chopefully               Dactually

53Adeciding          Binvesting                Crelying                   Dworking

54Abecame           Bhelped                    Cmissed                   Dvisited

55Apatient            Boperator                 Cfan                        Dpublisher

56Asmile              Bsign                       Cmark                      Dmask

57Ashowed up       Bpassed away            Cfell down                Dset off

58Asince               Bbut                         Cso                          Dfor

59Aguidance         Btrust                       Copportunity            Dinspiration

60Apromised         Bswore                     Creplied                   Dthought


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