
Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was failing. Surprisingly, he could read, yet, ____64____ his reading skills, Steve had been failing since the first grade. Steve was a big boy, yet, he went unnoticed ____65____ Miss White.

Miss White was a smiling, beautiful, young lady. For the first time in his ____66____ life, Steve couldn’t take his eyes off his teacher;  yet, ____67____ he failed. In the middle of the first term, the entire seventh grade was ____68____ for basic skills. Steve hurried through his tests, and ____69____ to dream of other things, as the day passed slowly. One day, Miss White’s ____70____ voice broke into his daydreams. “Steve!” Startled ( 吓了一跳 ), he ____71____ to look at her. “Pay attention!” She began to ____72____ the test results. “You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “ _____73_____ one boy, and it breaks my _____74_____ to tell you this, but…” She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp _____75_____ “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!”

After that, Steve still _____76_____ do his homework. “Just try it,” Miss White said one day. “Steve! Please! I care about you!” Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? Someone, so beautiful and perfect, cared about him! Steve went home from school, _____77_____ that afternoon and decided to work hard.

The following Monday he arrived at school on time, and waited for Miss White to enter the classroom. She walked in, all sparkle and smiles! Immediately, she gave a _____78_____ on the weekend homework. Steve was the first to _____79_____ his paper. With a look of _____80_____ , Miss White took his paper. Steve walked back to his desk, his heart beating strongly within his chest.

Miss White’s face was in total _____81_____ ! Suddenly, her face broke into a bright smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just _____82_____ his first test! From that moment _____83_____ was the same for Steve.

64 A in honor of B in addition to C in case of D in spite of

65 A until B before C to D upon

66 A rich B fresh C young D simple

67 A forever B even C also D still

68 A tested B corrected C selected D observed

69 A struggled B continued C agreed D declared

70 A cheerful B enthusiastic C impatient D shy

71 A decided B turned C managed D forgot

72 A hand over B run over C turn over D go over

73 A as for B due to C except for D up to

74 A will B heart C record D back

75 A stare B pain C sense D contrast

76 A wouldn’t B couldn’t C mustn’t D shouldn’t

77 A thoughtful B doubtful C confused D amused

78 A survey B speech C quiz D report

79 A give up B come across C turn down D hand in

80 A surprise B curiosity C respect D anger

81 A victory B confidence C sadness D shock

82 A escaped B passed C missed D took

83 A anything B something C nothing D everything


D    65 A    66 C    67 D    68 A    69 B    70 C    71 B    72 D    73 C    74 B    75 A    76 B    77 A    78 C    79 D    80 A    81 D    82 B    83 C


64 .考查介词短语辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,他竟然能阅读,然而,尽管他的阅读技能很好,史蒂夫从一年级开始就一直不及格。 A. in honor of 为了纪念; B. in addition to 除了; C. in case of 万一; D. in spite of 尽管。根据上文 “Surprisingly, he could read” 及下文 “Steve had been failing since the first grade.” 可知,前后语义存在让步关系。故选 D

65 .考查介词词义辨析。句意:史蒂夫是一个大男孩,然而,他没有被注意到,直到怀特小姐。 A. until 直到; B. before …… 之前; C. to 到某处; D. upon …… 上。根据下文 “One day, Miss White’s 7 voice broke into his daydreams. “Steve!” Startled ( 吓了一跳 ), he 8 to look at her.” 可知,直到怀特小姐,没有人会注意史蒂夫。故选 A

66 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他年轻的一生中,这是第一次,史蒂夫无法把目光从老师身上移开;然而,他还是不及格。 A. rich 富裕的; B. fresh 新鲜的; C. young 年轻的; D. simple 简单的。根据上文 “Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents, was failing.” 可知,此处在讲述史蒂夫年轻时的故事。故选 C

67 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:在他年轻的一生中,这是第一次,史蒂夫无法把目光从老师身上移开;然而,他还是不及格。 A. forever 永远; B. even 甚至; C. also 也; D. still 还是。根据上文 “Surprisingly, he could read, yet, 1 his reading skills, Steve had been failing since the first grade.” 及下文 “She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp 12 “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!”” 可知,虽然史蒂夫非常喜欢老师,但是他还是不及格。故选 D

68 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:在第一学期中期,整个七年级的学生都要接受基本技能测试。 A. tested 测试; B. corrected 纠正; C. selected 挑选; D. observed 观察。根据空后 “for basic skills” 及下文 “Steve hurried through his tests” 可知,此处指接受基本技能测试。故选 A

69 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:史蒂夫匆匆做完了他的测试,并继续梦想着其他事情,一天慢慢地过去了。 A. struggled 挣扎; B. continued 继续; C. agreed 同意; D. declared 宣布。根据上文 “Steve hurried through his tests” 及下文 “One day, Miss White’s 7 voice broke into his daydreams.” 可知,史蒂夫匆匆做完了他的测试,并继续梦想着其他事情。故选 B

70 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一天,怀特小姐不耐烦的声音打断了他的白日梦。 A. cheerful 愉快的; B. enthusiastic 热情的; C. impatient 不耐烦的; D. shy 害羞的。根据下文 ““Steve!” Startled ( 吓了一跳 ), he 8 to look at her. “Pay attention!”” 可知,怀特小姐不耐烦的声音打断了他的白日梦。故选 C

71 .考查动词词义辨析。句意: 史蒂夫! 他吓了一跳,转身看着她。 A. decided 决定; B. turned 转身; C. managed 设法做到; D. forgot 忘记。根据上文 ““Steve!” Startled ( 吓了一跳 )” 及空后 “to look at her” 可知,史蒂夫转身看着老师。故选 B

72 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:她开始仔细检查考试结果。 A. hand over 交出; B. run over 运行结束; C. turn over 翻过来; D. go over 仔细检查。根据空后 “the test results” 及下文 ““You all did pretty well,” she told the class” 可知,老师在仔细检查全班的考试结果。故选 D

73 .考查介词短语辨析。句意: 你们都做得很好, 她对全班说, 除了一个男孩,告诉你们这个我很伤心,但是 ……”A. as for 关于; B. due to 由于; C. except for 除了; D. up to 相当于。根据上文 “You all did pretty well” 及下文 “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!” 可知,此处指除了一个男孩,你们都做得很好。故选 C

74 .考查名词词义辨析。句意: 你们都做得很好, 她对全班说, 除了一个男孩,告诉你们这个我很伤心,但是 ……”A. will 意愿; B. heart 心; C. record 记录; D. back 背部。根据语境及常识可知,此处指老师很伤心的告知这样一个不好结果。故选 B

75 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:她犹豫了一下,用锐利的目光把史蒂夫钉在座位上, 七年级最聪明的男孩在我的课上不及格! ”A. stare ( 尤指不友好或吃惊的 ) 盯; B. pain 疼痛; C. sense 感觉; D. contrast 对比。根据下文 “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!” 可知,此处指老师锐利而吃惊的凝视。故选 A

76 .考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,史蒂夫仍然不能做他的家庭作业。 A. wouldn’t 不会; B. couldn’t 不能; C. mustn’t 一定不; D. shouldn’t 不应该。根据下文 ““Just try it,” Miss White said one day. “Steve! Please! I care about you!”” 可知,老师一直在鼓励史蒂夫。由此可知,史蒂夫仍然不能做他的家庭作业。故选 B

77 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:史蒂夫从学校回到家,那天下午深思熟虑后决定努力学习。 A. thoughtful 深思熟虑的; B. doubtful 怀疑的; C. confused 困惑的; D. amused 有趣的。根据上文 “Someone cared about him? Someone, so beautiful and perfect, cared about him!” 及空后 “decided to work hard” 可知,史蒂夫进行一番深思熟虑后,决定努力学习。故选 A

78 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:她马上就周末的家庭作业做了一个小测验。 A. survey 调查; B. speech 演讲; C. quiz 小测验; D. report 报道。根据下文 “Steve was the first to 16 his paper.” 可知,此处指做了一个小测验。故选 C

79 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:史蒂夫是第一个交考卷的人。 A. give up 放弃; B. come across 偶遇; C. turn down 拒绝; D. hand in 提交。根据空前 “the first” 及空后 “his paper” 可知,此处指史蒂夫是第一个交考卷的人。故选 D

80 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:怀特小姐带着惊讶的神情接过他的试卷。 A. surprise 惊讶; B. curiosity 好奇心; C. respect 尊重; D. anger 愤怒。根据上文 “Surprisingly, he could read, yet, 1 his reading skills, Steve had been failing since the first grade.” 可知,史蒂夫从一年级开始就一直不及格,现在第一个交卷,老师一定感到很惊讶。故选 A

81 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:怀特小姐的脸完全惊呆了! A. victory 胜利; B. confidence 信心; C. sadness 悲伤; D. shock 震惊。根据下文 “Suddenly, her face broke into a bright smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just 19 his first test!” 可知,史蒂夫终于及格了,这让老师感到很震惊。故选 D

82 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:七年级最聪明的男孩刚刚通过了他的第一次考试! A. escaped 逃离; B. passed 通过; C. missed 错过; D. took 拿走。根据上文 “Surprisingly, he could read, yet, 1 his reading skills, Steve had been failing since the first grade.” “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!” 可知,此处指史蒂夫第一次通过了考试。故选 B

83 .考查代词词义辨析。句意:从那一刻起,对史蒂夫来说一切都变了。 A. anything 任何东西; B. something 一些事情; C. nothing 没有什么; D. everything 一切。根据语境可知,从那一刻起,对史蒂夫来说一切都变了,也就是说没有什么和以前是一样的了。故选 C


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