
  An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyondThe concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.
  In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schoolsThe idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea  has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.
  In Chicago, the mayor appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" programAs a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the cityAcross the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at  night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character
  The only problem arose in New York ,where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse populationThis may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself.
  Ultinatelas Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would  not otherwise have shared a word.
What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy?
  ATo invite authors to guide readers.
  BTo encourage people to read and share.
  CTo involve people in community service.
  DTo promote the friendship between cities.
Why was it difficult for New Yorkers to carry out the project?
  AThey had little interest in reading.
  BThey were too busy to read a book.
  CThey came from many different backgrounds
  DThey lacked support from the local government
According to the passage, where would the project be more easily carried out?
  AIn large communities with little sense of unity
  BIn large cities where libraries are far from home
  CIn medium-sized cities with a diverse population
  DIn large towns where agreement can be quickly reached
According to Nancy, the degree of students of the project is judged by
  Athe careful selection of a proper book
  Bthe growing popularity of the writers
  Cthe number of people who benefit from reading.
  Dthe number of books that each person reads.



根据可圈可点权威老师分析,试题“ ”主要考查你对 社会现象类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“资料梳理”如下:
◎ 社会现象类阅读的定义



◎ 社会现象类阅读的知识扩展
◎ 社会现象类阅读的知识点拨



◎ 社会现象类阅读的教学目标
◎ 社会现象类阅读的考试要求



Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV, according to results of a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Published Thursday.

The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the Internet for information and 55.1 percent to read news on the Internet. About 63 percent of interviewees use e-mail. The average time spent surfing the new and watching TV were 2.73 hours and 1.29 hours, respectively.

Only 10.4 percent reported use the Internet primarily to send and receive e-mail;65.9 percent read on-line news; 62.2 quite often play games on-line. More and more people have taken an inerest in the entertainment opportunities on-line. Up to 56.5 percent of interviewees quite often download music, and 53.5 percent get entertainment messages forom the Internet.

Yet the survery found that television is still the dominant mass medium.Seventy nine percent of interviewees choose to watch TV to get information, and another 75 percent take newspapers as importand as TV.

Five major web sites in the Chinese language, namely Sina, Sohu, Netease, Baidu and Yahoo are still ranked top ones by web users, and those that voted for Sina as the best among them were 30.9 percent.

Authorized statistics showed that web users in China have already exceeded 100 million, second to that of the United States.


65Which of the following is NOT true?

AChineses people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV.

BThere are more Chinese people using the Internet for information compared with those reading news on the Internet.

CThere are more people using e-mail compared with those searching information on the Internet.

DThere are more people using e-mail compared with those reading news on the Internet.

66The survey shows that_______.

Aonly 10.4 % reported use the Internet to send and receive e-mail

Bless than half of the people use the Internet for entertainment

Call of the people reported like to play games on-line

Dmost of the people reported read on-line news

67The underlined word exceeded means ___________.

Aincreased to more than                           Braised

Crisen                                                    Ddecreased


    In the US.,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are ridden by wildirresponsible lawless young men

  There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikesA cyclists appearance has something to do with this dislikeMotorcyclists frequently look dirtyin factthey are dirtyOn the road there is little to protect them from mudcrushed

insectsand bird droppingsFor practical reasons they often dress in

old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in earsFor the same reason motorcyclists usually wear dark colorsPerhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected

of having evil naturesIn old plays of long agoevil characters

usually wore blackIn cowboy movies thebad guysusually wear

black hats while thegood guyswear lighter colorsSomething else about their appearance makes an unfavorable impressionIn their practicalprotective clothing they look very much like the men on military motorcycles in the movies of World War II―cruel enemies who roared into peaceful villages filling peoples hearts with fear

    Probably t11e machine itself also produces anger and fearMotorcycles are noisythough some big trucks are even noisierBut trucks are big and carry heavy loadsthey are accepted(if not really welcomed)because they perform a needed servicemaking America moveMotorcycleson the other handmake all unpleasant noise just to give their riders pleasureThat is what is commonly thoughtIn the woods motorcycles frighten animalsRoaring along quiet streetsthey wake sleeping families and make babies cry

    Of course the danger of motorcycling also helps account for many people’s low opinion of the sportIts defendershoweverclaim that careful cyclists are in less danger than commonly believed

A cyclist must drive as if everybody around him wanted to kill himHe must pay careful attention to his drivingFrom that point of viewa man oil a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car


71According to the passagethe average Americans believe that         

    Amotorcyclists are all bluecollar workers

    Bmotorcycling has become one of Americas most popular sports

    Conly wildirresponsiblelawless young men enjoy motorcycling

    Dmotorcyclists can’t  afford to buy cars

72From the passage we know that good characters of old American movies      

    Ausually wore lighter colors

    Bhad no difference from evil characters

    C1ooked gracious

    Doften rode horses

73It can be inferred that      

    Athere existed different opinions towards motorcycling sport

    Ball good guys in cowboy movies wear white

    Canimals in the woods like motorcycles because motorcyclists usually feed crushed insects to hem

    Dmotorcycles will make noise as soon as people go to sleep

74Some people claim that a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car because       

    Acar race is a sport with several disadvantages

    Bmotorcyclists must drive very carefully

    Cmost people want to keep a distance from the dirty motorcycles for fear that they should lose dignity

    Dmotorcycles tend to be accepted by more and more people

75The average citizen dislikes the motorcyclists because        

    Aall motorcycles are wild young men

    Ball motorcycles are irresponsible young men

    Call motorcycles are lawless young men

    Dthey frequently look dirtythey often make an unpleasant noiseand their appearance contributes to people’s terrible imagination


Cities do not appear on the earth randomly, nor do they grow in a random fashion. They develop as the result of a complex interplay of environmental and social factors.

Several factors in the natural environment determine the location of cities. Large cities, for example, are generally not found in inhospitable zones. Most major cities developed from villages and towns that grew up along shorelines, rivers, or railroads. The growth pattern of an urban settlement is also influenced by factors in the natural environment.  For example, mountains must be skirted, lakes must be avoided, and housing and industry must be placed conveniently near water and raw materials.

Social factors also influence the appearance and development of cities. For instance, a city may be established as a result of a political decision : Brazil created the new capital of Brasilia in the midst of the jungle in order to stimulate the economic development there. Ideas about architecture and town planning also influence urban growth patterns. For instance, the pattern of Manhattan is the product of a planning decision made in 1811. Besides, the actual use to which land is put often depends on economic factors, because owners tend to devote their land to the use that gives them the greatest gain.

The location of particular social group is also influenced by ecological factors. Certain kinds of land use , such as parking lots , may quickly generate a disliked area and result in a mass departure of the original inhabitants. The location of the neighborhoods of different groups is thus related to such factors as their relative income and to their feelings of group unity or prejudice against outsiders.

Social inventions such as the automobile and mass transit systems also influence urban patterns. If workers have to walk to their factories every day, their homes must be near the workplace, but if they can drive to work , they can easily live fifteen miles away. If large numbers of the urban labor force move away from the city centre , services and facilities will tend to follow them , perhaps leaving the city centre greatly changed.


71. According to the passage , most major cities are

A. located along shorelines, rivers, or railroads

B. located far away from shorelines, rivers , or railroads

C, results of political decisions

D. results of architectural decisions

72.The example that shows the influence of political decisions on the location of a city is the location of

A. Manhattan in New York

B. The new capital of Brasilia of Brazil

C. Los Angles

D. London

73. According to the passage, certain kinds of land use, such as parking lots, may

A. make the original inhabitants happy

B. cause the original inhabitants to move away from an area

C. destroy a town

D. result in ecological disasters in an area

74. It can be inferred from the passage that people of low income

A. tend to live in big cities

B. tend to live in small towns

C. mostly live in city centers

D. are likely to live together

75. According to the passage , the locations of cities are influenced

A. only by a lot of environmental factors

B. only by a lot of social factors

C. by both social and environmental factors

D. only by a lot of ecological factors


Some disabled people use a special card when they park their cars. These are called disabled placards, which are removable signs that can be hung from the rear-view(后视) mirror of a car. These placards are only supposed to be for disabled people.

       These placards are meant to help disabled people in a number of ways . They allow the person to in special parking spaces. They can also be used when disabled people are being dropped off or picked up. Disabled people can even use them to park without having to pay .

       Parking officials think that some people are cheating. Not all people who have these placards are disabled. Today, one in sixteen drivers in Californis carries the sign. There are a lot more people who have disabled placards today than then years ago. An official from the DMV(加州车辆管理局) says that there are many reasons for the increase. As people get older, They may develop health problems and need to have one. There are also other reasons why more drivers have them today. Finally, there are a number of people who have them that should not.

       Last year the DMV cancelled more than 25,000 permits. They found that lots of people who had the disable placards had died. These permits are no longer valid.

Some people are worried that the system being abused. They are worried that access to the program could be limited because of the misuse. More rules could make it harder for people with real disabilities to get these placards.


46What do we know about placards?

  AThey are all used by disabled people

  BThey are cards designed by disabled people

  CThey can help disabled people park their cars

  DThey allow disabled people to drive anywhere

47The DMV canceled many permits because

  Athe number of old people is growing

  Bthe number of disabled people is on the rise

  Cthey want to make it harder for people to get hem

  Dsome people who have the placards have died

48What can people do with the placards?

  ADrivers Can use them when picking up disabled people

  BDisabled people can pay for parking with them

  CDrivers can use them to drive their cars

  DPeople can have access to DMV with them

49What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

  AThe reasons why disabled placards also popular among drivers.

  BSome healthy people also use the disabled placards

  CThe number of disabled placard users had increased

  DMore reasons for drivers to use disabled placards

50We learn from the passage that

  Adisabled placards will be stopped by the government

  Bsome people will be punished for breaking the law

  Csome disabled people will be forbidden to use disabled placards

  Dsome nods will be made related to disabled placards



    In late MarchSouthwest University became the first school in China to open a 24-hour hotline providing suicide-prevention counseling   

    College suicide is a heart-breaking and argumentative topicChinese college students have long been the focus of public attentiontheir youtheducation andmost importantly, bright futures make them the envy of society

    However, in recent yearswe’ve read more reports of student suicidesPerhaps that’s  simply because of society’s  attention with youthBut it could also signify the increasing troubled mental state of college students

    Many studies have sought to find out the causes of student suicidesNot surprisingly, the top factors usually include psychological and physical sicknessemotional trouble and peer pressureDespair about their futures is also quickly becoming a leading factorMany students say they feel hopeless and confused about the direction of their careers in a crowded job market   

    Thankfully, more and more universities and colleges are providing counseling services to address studentsmental and psychological problemsThese at least offer some comfort to students facing tough job prospects and personal difficulties

  From appointing in-house student counselors to setting up hotlines and recruiting students to help their troubled peersmany universities are making efforts to fight student depressionThere is no denying that much remains to be donebut such efforts are already workinghelping students and saving lives  

  However, the most important front in this battle lies with the students themselvesWhatever efforts school officials makeit is up to students to realize their problems and ask helpUnfortunately, many students considering suicide refuse to seek helpBy shutting themselves away, they can easily fall into vicious cycles(恶性循环)becoming ever more vulnerable topersonal difficulties and the pressures of the outside world    

    While establishing better on-campus psychological education and outreach programs are a step forwardstudents themselves must actively reach out for helpThese dangers are a reality for every student not only those who feel confused and depressed  


46Why are there so many students that commit suicide?    

    ABecause of psychological and physical sickness

    BBecause they feel hopeless and confused about their future

    CBecause of the emotional trouble

    DAll of the above    

47Which of the following is WRONG according to the article?

    ANo university had a whole day hotline providing suicide-prevention counseling before March

    BMany people envy the college students their bright futures

    CThe students who feel confused and depressed may have psychological problems and need psychological education

    DThe problems of student suicides indicate the increasing troubled mental state of young people..

48What is the key to avoid student suicides?

    AParents communicate with their children and understand them

    BColleges and universities offer more help to students

    CStudents themselves realize their problems and seek help from others

    DFriends give more comfort and show more understanding to the problem students

49This article is probably aan           





50Which of the following can be the best title for the article?   

    AHelp is at hand for suicidal students   

    BMore college students commit suicide

    CHow can students avoid committing suicide?

    DWhy do college students feel depressed?


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